

SCENE 1: Café L'arté 2 - Shoe Dunnit

We see Emily cleaning up before the shop opens and then sits at the piano and begins to play 'I miss you' to a photo of Tom. While she's performing she's unaware that Emily has walked in and has taken a seat and is listening to the performance. Unlike yesterday she's come in extra early today.

I miss you Elisa -3

verse 1
I'm angry at you, I don't know what to do
you left me here without you by my side
can't recover my stride
left me to walk into...
...life on my own can't consider this home
it's testing today just like all...
...all of my days
I could cry
I could fall apart
I miss you
I miss you
verse 2
...need you to know, that you made me whole,
that without you I'm less than half what I was
maybe it is because, 
I'm nothing without your strong belief in me
You'd see things I couldn't see
Go out on a limb and take me from my comfort zone
You were prone to throw me in the deep but...
I miss you

I miss you
I'm blue
and I fight with every demon inside
But I hide, cause of pride, the hurt that tears me apart
So I smile, Cheer friends up, half full cup
Nothing prepared me for this cruel time

I miss you
I miss you

When the performance ends


Wow. When did you write that one?


Last night. 


So having given up songwriting years ago you've now written loads in a day


I ended up being awake all night. Writing song after song after song.


This is all down to that weirdo Joseph who turned up yesterday

As she says this Emily shows  Robby sheet after sheet of songs.


Once he made me realise I could do this on my own I couldn't put it down, flood gates truly open.

Now I'm dying to try these songs out with other performers. 


After work?


No, during work.


What about customers?


Well if we've got the right customers in they can join in.


Wow Emily. I can't believe the change in you.

Emily takes out two cards and starts writing them while Robby takes off her coat, puts on her apron while looking over Emily's shoulder.


Are those cards for the pinboard?




I've got one to put up too. What are yours for?


Well now I'm looking for a piano player and a drummer


You play the piano yourself though.

Emily spins around in dance during the following answer


Yes but I'm no Elton John. I like to free myself from the keyboard, stand up and perform. What are you posting up?

Robby Laughs


My favourite shoe's got stolen last night so I'm appealing for them to be returned. 


What? How did they get stolen?


Embarrasing. They were a bit smelly so I decided to leave them on my window sill overnight so they wouldn't stink my room out.

Emily looks in disbelief


Well, this morning I went to get them and instead of my shoes I find a different pair in their place. Mine were unique with a penguin design on the side so if I put a photo up someone might have some information on who dunnit.


You won't believe this Roby but one of the songs I wrote last night is called Shoe Dunnit.


That's genius,  but weird though.


Says you

Robby pauses for thought


Hold on a minute Emily...

Emily knows Robby very well and knew that she would suggest that it might have been her so replies in an agrieved way before even hearing the answer


No Robby, it wasn't me who stole them


But how could you possibly have known?

Robby suspects that Emily has stolen them

Alfie walks in



Emily looks up and recognises Alfie


Oh hello. How are you today?


The happiest I've been for a very long time


Me too. Seems yesterday had a big impact on so many people.


You can say that again


What a difference a day makes


What a difference an hour makes

What are you having today?


A latté for me please.

Alfie notices the adverts on the notice board


oh. You're looking for a drummer.


Yes, do you know one?


Me actually. I've been looking to get back into it for a while. When do you need one?


Could be straight away.


As in right this minute?

Alfie looks taken aback


Well in a bit we're going to be trying out songs. There's a cajon over these so feel free to join in.




Looks like Julia's broken up with Karl then after the drama yesterday. He was scary. How is she?


A little shaken up however she's got something to take her mind off of that. She's taking her students to the community centre this morning for choir rehearsal ready for a public demo that she's organised tonight.


A demo?


Yeah, it's against the councils decision to shut down funding for her performing arts club. They decided that the money will be better spent teaching our youth EXTRA MATHS.

Davina walks in


What? We need more things that bring young people together working as one, not less. Maths isn't going to do that.


Exactly. So she's gathered a crowd and a choir to perform Freedom by George Michael in protest.


Good on her. Let's hope it rouses the public and that the council listens. 

She turns to Davina


Hi Davina. Are you feeling much better today




You were so worried that you weren't good enough for Antonio, is everything alright now? 


Yes. He put my mind fully at rest on that matter. He is so lovely


That's wonderful


Except there is a little issue


What is it?


He is the most wonderful person in the world, he really is, but he's such a chatterbox. Lovely though he is, my ears occasionally need a rest.


Have you told him.  


I can't. I haven't got the courage to. I just fear that I'd hurt his feelings and then I'd lose him.

Emily goes into thinking mose


Davina. Would you allow me to help?


How are you going to help?


Via music. It allows you to communicate without the person getting upset.




Though it is a little experimental at this stage. Take a seat and shut your eyes please.

Emily starts doing a strange ritual around Davina using her hands.


What the heck are you doing?


I'm transmitting the musical code straight to Davina's mind.

Just then Antonio comes in


Oh Davina, there you are. I wondered where you were. You know I've been looking for you everywhere. Your mum said you'd gone to work but I said, I doubt is she told me she's got a day off today and she said, oh I didn't know about that, and I turned and said...

Emily started doing the movements around Antonio


Oh Emily, what are you doing, some form of Karate? You know I used to to Kung Fu when I was young and I...

Davina gets up and says


Antonio sit down a moment please

Emily runs to the piano and starts playing CHATTERBOX

Chatterbox +6

Verse 1
Remember that time when I phoned you
to make you fully aware
it took you an hour to realise
that I was gone
Oh for crying out loud, could I just say one word
I will be heard, eventually I’m sure
the open door exists no more, cause I’ve seen what you’re like
Chatterbox, won’t you stop,
oh for crying out loud, could I say, just one word,
oh for crying out loud, oh for crying out loud, hear me out
Verse 2
Now hundreds of times I have told you
but you don’t seem to have changed
if you were in the olympics
they’d test you for drugs
Oh for crying out loud, could I just say one word
I will be heard, eventually I’m sure
the open door exists no more, cause I’ve seen what you’re like
Chatterbox, won’t you stop,
oh for crying out loud, could I say, just one word, 
So what were you thinking
when you realised I’d gone
did it occur to you that one of us was wrong
Has it occured to you that the chance has now been lost
Now that I realise that you do come at a cost
Just one word
I will be heard, eventually I’m sure
the open door exists no more, cause I’ve seen what you’re like
Chatterbox, won’t you stop,
oh for crying out loud, could I say, just one word,
oh for crying out loud,
Chatterbox, won’t you stop,
oh for crying out loud, could I say, just one word,
oh for crying out loud,
oh for crying out loud,
oh for crying out loud,
hear me out

When the song finishes


Davina, I'm so sorry. I'm actually very socially uncomfortable and terrified of gaps in the conversatioon. I frea that if I've got nothing to say you'll think I'm boring.


Antonio please just be yourself. Sometimes I want to be able to just sit in silence and feel totally at home with you.


Let's do it

They sit there just staring into each others eyes and then reading their books


How did you make them sing, and know all the words? I don't understand


I'm not sure. All I know is that I proved I  can do it. 

Emily goes to get some milk and leaves Robby to serve

Laura and Steven/Dad walk in.


Oh Dad I've got something really important to tell you


Laura I've already given you my blessing on pursuing your chosen path, please let's not go through that again I'm stressed enough as...


No it's not that


Oh, intruiging. Tell me after I've got these drinks. Do you want to go and find us a table?



Laura finds a table and immediately gets out her phone and starts checking messages and social media

Alfie goes and sits down.


How are you? 


I'm well thanks. 

He looks down at the shoe poster.


what's that about the stolen shoes?


My favourit shoes, they got stolen last night. 


Any clues?

Robby tries to wisper.


I'm convinced it was Emily. She wrote a song called Shoe Dunnit about shoe's getting stolen last night. There's no way she would have known unless she took them, me thinks. She may even have taken them while sleep walking. Oops, here she comes.

Sorry to ask but I heard the conversation between you and your daughter yesterday, is everything ok now?

Emily is shocked hearing Robby ask this question


Robby, talk about me changing. You shouldn't be prying into peoples private affairs.


Really it's alright. It's actually nice to have someone to talk to about such matters without it being a judgemental family member.
And yes we're ok.  It's just that her anouncement of wanting to pursue a career in the performing arts fills me with dread.


Is it  because you think it's a really unpredictable career, where only a small percentage of people have success while most struggle to even make a living?


Oh wow, how well put. Yes, but it actually goes even deeper than that for me.

He draws closer and whispers (loudly 😂) 

You see Laura's Mum was an actress and singer who walked out on us when Laura was just two years old. Not only did I lose my partner and my daughter's mum but I was her pianist so I also lost my income.

Emily's ears prick up on hearing this


You're a pianist?




So you can play off of a sheet of music?




Are you interested in playing my songs?


Absolutely not.
Would have been...

...years ago...

...not anymore. 

Emily points to the advert on the noticeboard


Oh, no no. There's no way I'm ever going to hit a piano key again


Surely you haven't lost your ability?


Emily, before you interrupted, the chap was telling me...


Actually, what I was telling you will answer both your questions. Jean had such life force. Drove me mad but I loved her so much.
After she left I kept expecting her to come walking back in. While I waited  I couldn't make enough money from playing the piano, I hit a real low point of feeling shame and inadequacy, one for not being able to provide for my own daughter and two I felt sure that Jean left because I wasn't good enough for her. So I promised I would never play a single note again and I went and chose a proper profession. One that I could provide for my daughter for.

After a while my emotion of missing her turned to anger. Not only do I never want to see Jean again, but hearing that Laura wants to follow in her footsteps ...
...well, need I say more?


Oh dear. That's a lot to process.


Amazing though that Laura has the performers gene

Steven/Dad looks horrified at what Emily has just said


Oh dear, when I said Gene I didn't mean your Jean, I meant Jeans genes

Steven/Dad looks even more horrified and Emily tried to get out of it by offering are more articulate version. It doesn't work.


Jeans Chromasomes?

Steven/Dad shakes his head


I'm making this worse aren't I?

Steven/Dad nods


Anyway, let's change the subject. i couldn't get over that idiot you had in here yesterday.


Which idiot?


You know, the one who claimed to be a pyschic songwriter  'heal people's issues through song'. People like that really get on my...


Actually, Joseph was a lovely man who had a profound effect on us.


Well you've changed your tune. If I recall you told him straight that you thought his claim was a load of nonsense.


You're right I did. But, I grew to like him. 

Steven/Dad looks away and mutters while shaking his head


So gullable.


I beg your pardon?

He turns back and nervously says


I said so lovable

Emily looks at him with a squinty eyed annoyed look


well that's improbable


That you're lovable?

Emily shakes her head


That you think I'm lovable?


I think you think I'm horrible


well it's feasible
But you're a client so that's not revealable


err, enoughable


That's not even a word


No but she's right. 


Ummmmmh, well, I better get this mocha over to my daughter

Steven/Dad walks over and sits with Laura


So what was it you were going to tell me


Mum's been in touch and wants to meet me

Steven/Dad spits out some of his coffee


Dad you can't stop me meeting her

The Dad is trying to keep his voice down but due to his anger he's not doing this very well


Do you realise this is the woman who abandoned you?
The same woman who hasn't lifted a finger to help you all this time?
Who hasn't even checked in to see if you're ok all these years?
And suddenly she wants to turn up and be part of your life???
What is she after. Money?


Dad I know. I know all of that and I know that you've been the one who's been there for me.


Well if you truly know all of that why the heck would you agree to see her. She doesn't deserve to have you in her life.


Dad please. I know that that's all true. But I can't help it I need to see her.

Steven/Dad's so upset. His hands go up to his head. Laura get's up. Puts her arm around him.


Dad please. Please try to understand.

Suddenly he get's up and put's his coat on.


Dad where are you going?


I need some time on my own to process this. Have you set up a meeting?






Errrr. Now?


Now? Now? What exactly do you mean when you say now?


I was hoping we could all meet. Now and right here

Laura has a look of 'pleeease' on her face

Steven/Dad has got a look of incredulity on his face which turns into a sudden realisation. He looks out of the window


Oh my gogaloochi. That's her coming now.
There's no way of avoiding her.

He turns to Robby and Emily


Excuse me, can I go out of the back please, it's an emergency.


There is no back way


She's getting closer, please, is there somewhere I can hide?


There is nowhere to hide and anyway, after your rudeness I'm not sure I would want to help you anyway.


I've got an idea

Emily looks disapovingly at Robby. Robby gives her a knowing look suggesting she has a clever plan up her sleave.

Robby grabs her pantmime horse's head


Quick put this on and go and sit at the piano


Are you out of your mind?


Have you got a better idea?

Robby points to the door


She's just about to walk in.

Reluctantly he grabs the horses head off of Robby and puts it on & sits at the piano .

Jean, Laura's mum, walks in and looks around and spots Laura and goes over and they just stand there for a bit. They just stare at each other then suddenly embrace with tears streaming down their faces. Steven/Dad looks on sat at the piano.
After a very long speechless time with everyone looking on Laura finally breaks the silence


Mum, say something please


Errrrr, Laura, why is there a man with a horses head sat at the piano?


What? First time I see you since i was two and....


Don't worry he's a musician for the pantomime we're currently working on. We're rehearsing you see. 


Oh I love pantomimes


Go on Donkey. Give the lady a wave.

The Pantomime horse doesn't respond so Emily tells him off in a very patronising way


Donkey if you don't wave, you know you will be punished.

Pinolino waves back ecstatically.

Laura is still standing incredulous at her mum


What's the Pantomime?

Robby again has to think on her feet


Errr It's called, um 'Shoe Dunnit'.


oh, I've never heard of it.


It's a new one. A whodunnit


Oooh, sounds good. Do we get to hear any songs from it?

Emily takes out a music sheet out of her bag and places it at the Piano for the Steven/Dad.


Donkey could you please play that song for me, a one, a two, a one two three four.

Robby and Emily sing Shoe Dunnit with Steven/Dad on the piano. Alfie realises it's the moment to try the cajon

everyone in the shop applaud

Shoe Dunnit

Shoe dunnit
What a waste of life
Should have been his wife
Instead she went and lost it to a shoe


Sounds good. Look forward to seeing that show.

Jean turns back to Laura. They sit down.


Laura, so sorry. I'm overwhelmed with the situation. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me. 


Why did you walk out on us?


Wow. Get straight to the point why don't you?


I think I've got every right...


You do. I'm sorry. It's very complicated I'm afraid.


Really? To me it seems very simple. You walked out leaving Dad and me to struggle.

We see Steven/Dad wave a fist up in pride at Laura challenging her mum. While he does so Emily had dropped another song sheet in front of him.


Well I don't know how I'll explain this but I'll give it a try. I...

Before she has a chance to talk further music. Steven/Dad starts playing again and Robby and Emily start singing 'set me free'

Set me free

Did you hear, Jean has come back home, telling stories of love and what she has done
She said, she’s seen the world, diverse people and dreams,
things she never thought could exist, the adventures she had, some were good
some were bad, and the beautiful people she kissed.
i look in her eyes that have fallen, and I know that there’s something there
she won’t share, let it free
(she has never loved again) cause she's not free
(She's been all around the world) playing hide and seek
(she's holding out her hand) to be seen
(She just wants you to know you are the one to set her free)
cause she's not free
Will I find, my own peace of mind, was I running away
from something left behind,
couldn’t take anymore, so I left thru the door labelled leave all my troubles behind
But in time I had found that those troubles are bound on the inside of me not outside 
If you look in my eyes they have fallen, and I know that there’s something there
I won’t share, set me free
(cause I never loved again) so set me free
(I've seen love around the world) but not in me
(so I’m holding out my hand) please reach for me
(I have wanted him to know he is the one to set me free)
cause I’m not free
Why did you run, why did you leave, why did you take an age to come back
I couldn't see the wood for the trees. I know that I'm a total scumbag
You can say that again, and I mean to offend you deserve to be cast away from our lives
Wait just a sec, let me explain the troubles I had, meant I was broken
You want me to wait well I have been waiting, and waiting and waiting for you to come back to me
I wouldn't blame you if you were tell me to go take a long journey to hell and start burning 
But I'll ask you if you please, would you give me a second chance, I will earn it, I so yearn it, 
make ammends if you give me that second chance, I will earn it, I tell you I yearn it, it will be worth it I promise.

Jean and Laura are exhausted. Jean turns to Emily


Bloody hell, that really got our emotions out


You can say that again.


I actually found that so healing


Me too. And it speeded up everything. What might have taken days, weeks maybe even years has taken moments. I may not agree with what you did but at least I can now see it from your vulnerabilty.

Jean turns to Emily


You wrote that song?


Yes last night


How did you know all that info?


I don't know, the words and music just came to me.


Are you psychic?


That's what I'm thinking. Emily, I think you have become the very thing that Joseph claimed to be.

We see Steven/Dad shake his head in disbelief


Emily I can't explain any of this. All I know is that something has happened to you since yesterday and you can now do what no one should be able to do.

We see Julia come in looking stressed. She walks straight over to Alfie, sits down and puts her head in her hands


Julia, what's up


It's all fallen apart


What has?


First we were blocked from using the community centre having been told previously that we could, then when we decided to practice outside and we were told that we were banned from performing 'Freedom' by PRS.


What you going to do?


I don't have a clue. The choir are outside waiting for me to make a decision. They're looking to me for leadership and I'm a joke. I feel I've gone into battle with a wax gun that's melting as I hold it.


You're going to let them win?

Julia nods


You allowed yourself to be silenced in an abusive relationship with Karl for so long but finally found the strength to shout out and win, but now with this, you're going to allow yourself to be silenced?

Emily has been listening and approaches Julia


Your choir. Bring them in. They can practice here and now.


You sure?




But we've got nothing to sing


You do now

Emily hands her a song sheet. Julia looks puzzled but head out to call the choir. Robby approaches Emily


Are you going to project another song?




To a whole flippin choir?


Mad I know. I'm going to sink or swim. Get ready to find out which

Just as Julia is about to walk out of the door we see her walk backwards and look in shock as Karl walks in.

Robby steps forwards


You're going to have to leave. We don't want any trouble


I swear I won't give you any trouble I just need to say something to Julia

Alfie gets up defensively & confronts Karl. We see Emily bring another song sheet to Steven/Dad.


It's alright Alfie let me hear what he has to say

Alfie steps back

Karl tries to talk but it keeps coming out as singing


Yesterday I decided to leave town, start again, get on a train and go as far away as I can. But I kept thinking, You and I had something so special I won't give up us that easy. I need to ask for your forgiveness and see if, perhaps, there's a chance to try again.
I promise, I swear on my mum's life. If you ask me to leave I will leave. No need for me to be dragged out.

speak to me Julia please

Thorn in my side -3 Elisa

Karl Julia

Verse 1
There once was a time when our world was sublime
I wish that those days would have lasted all time
But you became someone I didn't recognise, you took the person I was and tore it inside
I can feel that my heart takes control of my mind
Despite what you've done I feel love
It’s getting me down but this love
It grows on and on and on
Like a thorn in my side
Verse 2
Last night I mentioned my thoughts to a friend
I was a frightened away by the things that he said
Well It’s easy to talk when you’re not the one
Facing the torment inside
That’s pulling you down
I can feel that my heart takes control of my mind
Despite what you've done I feel love
It’s getting me down but this love
It grows on and on and on
Like a thorn in my...
Side hurting me.
And nothing will break it free
You were the one or so I thought
Now I know it was not to be?
Was I so wrong,
That you were gone before I could make it be?
Yes you were wrong
and you have to understand

I turned it, then burnt it
you turned our world from up to down
Just one chance, to heal us
If not I'll leave this frikkin town


So you do still love me Julia?


Karl I fell in love with a version of you that I don't think exists any more. I'm heartbroken but not for the person you have become.


I can be that person again


What, for 5 minutes every now and then? I would need you to be the nice person all the time and not turn into the monster. 


Well give me that chance, how can you find out otherwise.

Julia approaches Alfie


It's too late for that chance Karl, I'm back with the person that I should have stayed with in the first place

Karl lunges forward to get to Alfie but he get's caught by Donkey/Dad/Steven together with Robby, Jean and maybe Emily and they escort a very irate and emotional Karl off the premises. 
Julia is distraught and finishes the song (once Donkey has got back to the piano)

I can feel that my heart takes control of my mind
Despite what he's done I feel love
It’s getting me down but this love
It grows on and on and on
Like a thorn in my side

Alfie goes and hugs Julia


How you feeling?


Fine, I just need to move on, Let's do that protest song Emily please, can we have the words?

Emily gives another music sheet to the Steven/Dad while the choir walk in and line up in a formation. They play silenced to much applause


Verse 1
See things through the eyes of a child 
one moment 
Listen to the words I must say 
Please hear me
Arts are being labelled as not important
I respectfully disagree 

I was born to sing

I was born to dance

I was born, I feel, to bring you story

Don’t hold back, shout it out

Let’s unite and tell the world
The Arts must not be silenced

The Arts must not be silenced
Verse 2
Imagine waking to a new kind of silence

Everything you see comes to you through your screen,

Actors, and musicians all but departed.

Comedians & singers denied

Bridge 2
But they were born to sing
They were born to dance

They were born, I feel, to bring you story

Don’t hold back, shout it out

Let’s unite and tell the world

The Arts must not be silenced

The Arts must not be silenced
I fear a world, where no one performs live, all performances you see are on a screen
It’s been implied, the arts are not required, that there’s more important ways to spend our time 
And yet you'll see, in history that all the greatest empires would unite the people through performing arts
arts bring us together, working as one entity, all of us with one big beating heart.
The Arts must not be silenced
The Arts must not be silenced
The Arts must not be silenced
Everybody you’ve go to tell the world
The Arts must not be silenced
Don’t let them pull the rug from us

The Arts must not be silenced
It’s the thing that makes us feel alive

The Arts must not be silenced
We’ll end up yearning for the past

The Arts must not be silenced
Don’t take away our beating arts

The Arts must not be silenced
Music unites like nothing else

The Arts must not be silenced
Don’t let this silence engulf us

The Arts must not be silenced
Unite to bring it back to us

The Arts must not be silenced

At the end they're all cheering and high fiving when we suddenly see Steven/Dad get up, complete with horses head, walk over and point to Jeans feet.


Guys that was brilliant. You now have the song, it's original so PRS can't stop you. Why don't you peform it to the town council, film it and post it up to drum up support. I'm sure it will go viral.

We see Steven walk out from behind the piano


Robby, that's where your shoe's are, they're on the feet of this lady

Robby is shocked


it was you


I'm sorry, I really wanted to impress my daughter and my shoe's were awful so when I saw those shoes as I was walking past I though 'I'll have those'. But I did leave you mine

Robby shakes her head. Jean takes the shoe's off


Why didn't you just buy yourself a pair


I haven't got enough money


I knew it, see Laura I told you so

Jean is taken aback. She walks over to Steven/Dad slowly and pulls off his horses head. She's even more shocked and has to sit down


Dad say something

Steven has turned his head away and is saying nothing. Emily hands him a songsheet


Well if you won't talk to her, sing to her, we've resolved others this way tonight, let's do this one too

Steven/Dad sings 'don't make me laugh' accompanied by Jean. 

Don't Make Me Laugh

Verse 1
Please don't tease me
It's not easy, to look you in the eye
and ask you why you're here
cause I've missed you
and I wish to
tell you I was wrong
It's too late for that now
Your leaving was easy, the ones you left behind shed the true tears
Yet I still loved you, love is oh so blind
Then please will you listen, to help you understand why I am here
You think that's helpful?, Oh Jean don't make me laugh
Verse 2
Left me helpless
I was selfless
I raised her on my own
Now I don't need your tears
Yes I failed you
went against you
but give me one more chance
It's too late for that now
So I missed you, and I wish you'd 
walked back through that door
But that was then not now
Your leaving was easy, the ones you left behind shed the true tears
Yet I still loved you, love is oh so blind
Then please will you listen, to help you understand why I am here
You think that's helpful?, Oh Jean don't make me laugh
Your leaving was easy, the ones you left behind shed the true tears
Yet I still loved you, love is oh so blind
Then please will you listen, to help you understand why I am here
You think that's helpful?, Oh Jean don't make me laugh


I know I was wrong Steven, but can you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Steven shakes his head


I don't blame you, I abandoned both of you, it's best that I go

She turns and picks up her bag and is putting on her coat


Mum, wait, I don't want you to go, I feel I know you now, and why you did what you did, tell Dad please


Steven, I now know I suffered severe post natal depression. I made out I could but I couldn't keep it up anymore so I had to leave and go as far away as I could. 


So if that's true, why didn't you come back? Why stay away all these years?


I felt so guilty and I knew you would be mad at me and feared that you would never take me back, but I've never stopped loving you


Please Dad?

Jean turns to leave, Emily runs over to Steven with a song sheet. Play this. Steven shakes his head


Dad, play it for me

Steven plays if for the love of his daughter. Jean has got to the door and is just about walk out when she hears the piano chords. The power of Emily draws her to turn around and start singing 'Nothing stays the same'
When he finishes playing the song he comes away from the piano and approaches Jean. You can see that he's full of compassion. Jean reaches out her hands and he starts lifting his but then stops. Turns to Laura.


Laura I can't I'm afraid, Yes your mum had the depression, but after that she demonstrated uncaring and lack of integrity. How can I forgive that?'


You know how dad? In the same way that all these people here will be able to fogive you for YOUR uncaring and lack of integrity


Laura what are you talking about?


Dad why don't you reveal to everyone who it was that made the decision to drop funding for Julia's Performing Arts Club? 
And who blocked them from using the community centre, and stopped them from performing Freedom?'

everyone is shocked


Down to your hang up about the performing arts?

Steven sits down with his head in his hands


Dad sorry to reveal that to everyone but I felt I had to.
I love you so much. You've always been my rock and I've always looked up to you, for your confidence, how decisive you are, but I don't understand why you can be so heartless sometimes

Steven sings 'I am still a child'

I'm still that child

Verse 1
When I was a child I wasn't sure of myself
I pretended to be something greater than me
Well that was just my way to survive
Becoming a dad meant that I had to be, the person to guide you
To make sense of this thing called life, I had to learn to play that game
Slowly, and surely, I worked it
But I found it so hard to deliver to you, 
Please don't ever fail to see I'm still that child
Please don't ever fail to see I'm still that child
Please don't ever fail to see I'm still trying to find me
Please don't ever fail to see I'm just a child


I see


Julia, and all of you. I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused. You can have your funding back with immediate effect.

they all cheer, and high five etc.
Steven turns to Jean


Jean, I've missed you. Welcome back

Jean and Steven embrace


Emily, have you got a song for this

Here it is, Steven, get on that piano

They perform 'At Last'

At last

Verse 1

I woke up to a fear this morning
about how I was going to face you
I do not deserve your forgiveness
It's a second chance, I won't fail you


We’ve been through the darkest days
Now we’ve reached a light?
Yes we’ve reached a light?
and we’re gonna leave the hurt behind,
no more this time, no more this time


I used to Run Run Run away from my feelings
Hide Hide Hide where no one could find me
Fight Fight Fight the demons inside and Cry Cry Cry throughout
But I'm happy now, happy now, happy now, happy now at last

Verse 2

Everyone you have got to join in
In these words you will find your story
How you grew from a tiny person
To the one who now stands before me


We’ve been through the darkest days
Now we’ve reached a light?
Yes we’ve reached a light?
and we’re gonna leave the hurt behind,
no more this time, no more this time


I used to Run Run Run away from my feelings
Hide Hide Hide where no one could find me
Fight Fight Fight the demons inside and Cry Cry Cry throughout
But I'm happy now, happy now, happy now, happy now at last


We’ve been through the darkest days
Now we’ve reached a light?
Yes we’ve reached a light?
and we’re gonna leave the hurt behind,
no more this time, no more this time, no more this time…


I used to Run Run Run away from my feelings
Hide Hide Hide where no one could find me
Fight Fight Fight the demons inside and Cry Cry Cry throughout

I used to Run Run Run away from my feelings
Hide Hide Hide where no one could find me
Fight Fight Fight the demons inside and Cry Cry Cry throughout
But I'm happy now at last, I'm happy now at last,
I'm happy now at last, I'm happy now at last,

But I'm happy now, happy now, happy now, happy now at last

A the end of the song everyone is very joyous and leave. Leaving just Robby and Emily in the shop


Emily. How did you do that? How did you predict through songs what everyone needed to bring them happines.

Emily just shrugs


No really Emily, are you genuinly psychic or do you use mentalis techniques like Derren Brown. Tricks


Robby, I can't answer that to you as I feel it may take away a new found purpose in my life.


Oh flipping eck Emily


Anyway we need more milk. Here's the crate

Robby grabs the crate


Ok fair enough, but I just have to say whether it's real or tricks, you used your skills to Make Jean, Steven and Laura happy again after all these years, to Give Julia and Alfie what they wanted for life, the choir have get their funding back and I've got my favourite shoes back.

Robby is walking away with the crate and she turns at the last moment and says


You truly have the gift to give everybody what they want

As she leaves Emily goes to the piano, looks at the photo and sings  the final part of 'I miss you



Song 1: I miss you

Emily walks into the shop, takes off her coat, approaches the piano and plays 'I miss you' to a photo of Tom

Half way through Robby walks in and stops to listen behind Emily who isn't aware that Robby has arrived.

when the song finishes Robby asks about the song and Emily reveals she's been up all night writing song after song, words and music simply poured out of her and now she's looking for a pianist and a drummer to accompany her new songs, so puts and advert up on their noticeboard.

Robby reveals that she had her shoe's stolen during the night. They were a bit smelly so she left them on her window sill to freshen up. In the morning instead of finding her shoe's she found a pair of manky one's in their place. She puts up a photo of her missing shoes.

Davina and Antonio walk in, they're chatty and very happy.  Emily asks if she can do and experiment on them. Can she give them a song to sing. They agree and they sing

Chatterbox or
She asked why.

They are surprised that they performed the way they did.

Alfie walks in, reveals he's a drummer and is interested and tells that Julia is arranging a demonstration against local funding for the arts being stopped.

Laura and dad walk in, she announces she's got something important to tell him, he said wait while I got and get drinks, he chats to robby and emily about how his wife, an accress singer, walked out on them when Laura was only 2 and since then he refuses to play the piano, and no, he's not interested in being a pianist for Emily. He has a little clash with Emily.

He sits back down with Laura who reveals that she's going to meet mum. He goes mad. even more so when he finds out that she's on her way to the shop.

He decides to leave but it's too late and there's no back door. Robby suggests that he puts on a horses head and sits at the piano. He does so reluctantly as there's no alternative.

Jean his ex walks in, asks why there's a man with a horses head sat at the piano

Robby explains that he's part of a pantomime that they're rehearsing

Jean asks the name of the pantomime. Robby thinks on her feet and declares 'Shoe Dunnit'

Song2: Shoe dunnit

Jeans asks to hear a song from it so they play shoe dunnit

Laura then starts asking in a demanding way why she walked out on them

Song 3: Set me free

Emily intervenes yet again with a song that creates a great understanding between mother and daughter

Julia walks in looking very upset and tells Alfie that their plans to demonstrate against the council have been scuppered. It appears they were too clever. Alfie is asking how she's allowing herself to be defeated having triumphed herself out of an abusive relationship.
Then Emily comes to the rescue, offering a song and for them to perform in the café L'Arté.
Julia rushes out to call the choir but instead walks back in backwards as Karl has turned up and is walking in.
He wants to talks. Emily steps in again as they start to play

Song 4: Thorn in my side

Karl and Julia duet in a highly charged power ballad which culminates in Julia finding the strength to say, "I know you still want to be with me, but it's no longer the same person"

Karl has left during the song and Julia is being consoled by Alfie. Emily has gone outside and come back with the choir and says to Julia "come on, get up, you've won one battle, but your work isn't over, you've got another battle to win"

Song 5: Silenced

She get's up with the choir and they perform 'Silenced'

As they finish dad get's up and points to Jean's shoe's. Robby, that's where your shoe's are, they're on the feet of this lady. Robby is shocked. "it was you" I'm sorry, I really wanted to impress my daughter and my shoe's were awful' "i know, why didn't you buy a pair" "I haven't got enough money" "I knew it, see Laura I told you so"
Jean "hold on a minute" she takes of dads horses head and is shocked. He turns away, refusing to talk to Jean, emily hands him a songsheet. "Well if you won't talk to her, sing to her, we've resolved others this way tonight, let's do this one too" 
he reluctantly approaches the piano and starts to play

song 6: Don't make me laugh

He finishes singing and Jean apologies and asks if he can find it in his heart to forgive her. He says "No"
Jean 'I don't blame him, I abandoned both of you, it's best that I go"
Laura "Mum, I don't want you to go, I feel I know you now, and why you did what you did, tell dad please"
Jean 'Steven, I now know I suffered severe post natal depression. I made out I could but I couldn't keep it up anymore so I had to leave and go as far away as I could. I went and explored the world trying to find the happiness I craved. I kept moving on as i never did. I realised that what I wanted was back where I started"

Steven "so if that's true, why didn't you come back? Why stay away all these years?

Jean "I felt so guilty and I knew you would be mad at me and feared that you would never take me back, but I've never stopped loving you"

Laura "so what do you say dad?"

Steven "Laura I can't I'm afraid, Yes your mum had the depression, but after that she demonstrated uncaring and lack of integrity. How can I forgive that?'

Laura "The same way all these people can forgive you for demonstrating the same'

Steven "Laura what are you talking about?"

Laura "Dad why don't you reveal to everyone who made the decision to drop funding for Julia's Performing Arts Club? And who blocked them from using the community centre, and stopped them from performing Freedom?'

everyone is shocked

Emily "down to your hang up about the performing arts"

Steven sings 'I am just a child'

Song 7: I am still that child

dad nods his head

Steven "you're right Laura, I'm a hypocrite'Julia, you can have your funding back, 

they all cheer

Emily, I'm so sorry for doubting you, and your ability to help people with your songs
Jean, I haven't got a leg to stand on, so yes, I forgive you

Jean "Emily, have you got a song for us

Here it is, Steven, get on that piano


song 8: At last

Notes after rehears tuesday 17 September 2024

1 After 'I am still a child'
what he says to Jean could be more elaborated

2 Elisa and Erin believe, doing a poo is not correct lyrics for 'I am still a Child'


3 Erin, most explanations are at the begnning and at the end the two songs are too bunched together

4 have karl hang around after the song.

5 Elisa thought that the pyschic bit mentioned earlier should be part of the finale.

6 Shorten the song shoe dunnit

7 they felt that I am still a child should be shorter.

Dad - Frank

Karl - Frank

Emily - Elisa

Robby - Erin

Laura- Elisa
Alfie - Erin

Jean - Erin

Julia - Elisa




Nothing Stays the Same

Verse 1

Do you still remember
How you made me smile?
I was so in love
but you would run a mile
eventually you noticed
and you've never let me down
actually it's me who
took our love and tore it down


Cause I, thought I lived a lie
decided on goodbye
then I learned that I
already had it all
but now i'm in freefall
still in the end
nothing stays the same 

Verse 2

I know it's not been easy
I know I took the mick
But I'll ask for your forgiveness
though I'm a hypocrite
We started something great and
I'd like to see us try again
Please don't say it's hopeless
cause you're the only man I've loved


Hear my prayer
Give me time
to rewind

Another day at Café L'Arté













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