
Welcome to the Café L'Arte workshop site
Here are the roles:-

Emily - Elisa Scarito
Emily had plans to sell her coffee shop and follow her dream by making a living out of songwriting and singing. Only problem is that she doesn't believe in her talent. Tom, her partner gave her belief in herself bad sadly he lost his life while on a military tour in Afghanistan.

Personality: Emily is a kind and caring person. Though clever lacks the confidence to take a risk for fear of failure.

Role requirements: Strong singing and acting.

Playing age: 23 - 30.

Songs: What’s it to you (backing)
Stronger Now (backing)
Don’t say another word (Solo backing)
The Journey (backing)
In Your Eyes (backing)
I Turn to You (backing)
I Believe in You (Lead)
Until today (Lead)
Your life is in your hands (backing)

Click here to go to Emily's audition bit

Robby - Emily Darling
Robby is Emily’s Employee. She's worked at Café L'Arté for a long while, a devoted and great employee and yet Emily feels that she doesn't know the real Robby.

Personality: Consciencious to a fault, Robby is a little scatty, clumbsy, often late but otherwise always dependable and kind.

Role requirements: Strong comedic acting and singing.

Playing age: 17 - 36.

Songs: What’s it to you (backing)
Stronger Now (Backing)
Robby’s song (Lead)

Don’t say another word (Solo backing)
The Journey (Joint lead)
In Your Eyes (backing)
I Turn to You (backing)
I Believe in You (backing)
Your life is in your hands (Lead)

Click here to go to Robby Audition Page

Joseph Cross - Joe Creaser
The mysterious man who turns up at Emily's coffee shop declaring that he's a Psychic Songwriter & Healer.

Personality: Very clever in an unusual way. However, he is, at least in part, fabricating this personality to achieve a result.

Role requirements: Strong acting.

Playing age: 23 - 30.

Click here to go to Josephs audition bit 1

Click here to go to Josephs audition bit 2

Julia - Eden Gates
Julia is a victim of domestic abuse. She left her previous very safe but unexciting relationship for an unpreditcable but exciting one.

Personality: Previously confident and a bit of a thrill seeker but recent events have changed her from the former bubbly self to the subdued fearful person she has now become.

Role requirements: Strong singing and acting.

Playing age: 18

Songs: Backing on most of the songs
In Your Eyes (Lead)
I Turn to You (Lead)

Click here to go to Julia's audition bit

The Writer - Lucas Greenwood
The Writer tends to get inspired by writing in coffee shops but for the last few weeks has been suffering severe writers block.

Personality: Perfectionist who truly suffers for his art. Very talented but his self critisim, though it pushes him to greater heights, really doesn't do his mental health any good.

Role requirements: Singing and acting.

Playing age: 20 - 60.

Songs: The Writer (Lead)

Click here to go to The Writers audition bit

Karl - Charlie White
Julia’s boyfriend. Lot's of charm, edge but more weaknesses and excesses than we can mention.

Personality: A charmer but self obsessed. Fluctuates from bad boy to loving charmer on an ongoing basis.

Role requirements: Strong rapping and acting.

Playing age: 18 - 25.

Songs: In Your Eyes (Lead rapper)

Click here to go to the Karl bit

Debbie - Jamila Clare
Debbie has had a very stressful day at work and is coming to meet her boyfriend ahead of their holiday which she can't wait for.

Personality: Emily is a no nonsense person. Caring and supporting but doesn't suffer fools glady. Her outer personality is one of confidence and strength but underneath she's very emotional.

Role requirements: Strong singing and acting.

Playing age: 18 - 30.

Songs: Backing on most of the songs
Stronger Now (Lead)

Click here to go to Debbie Audition Bit

Jeanette - Jamila Clare
Jeanette is the founder of a bereavement charity. She's done a lot of wonderful work that's helped so many but has experienced a number of errors recently that has cost the charity.

Personality: Jeanette's purpose in life is to help others but suffers from imposter syndrome so her confidence is knocked very easily.

Role requirements: Singing and acting.

Playing age: 23 - 60.

Songs: Backing on most songs
The Journey (Joint Lead)

Click here to go to Jeanette's audition piece 

The Dad - Francesco Scarito
Takes his daughter into Café L'Arté for a coffee and a chat about planning her future. He's concerned that her idea of career is a bit fluffy

Personality: He's done well in business. Strong, reliable and a very rational thinker.

Role requirements: Acting.

 Playing age:  35 - 60.

Please note - Already cast

First dad bit

Click here to go to the Dad bit

Laura (The daughter) - Saffron Hunter
Laura is worried about what her dad has to say to her. She is very arty and so different to the rest of the family. In fact, in her experience, she's so different to most people.

Personality: Laura's always suffered from being quite different to her peers and yet she solidiers on being true to herself. She doesn't want to compromise her authentic self.

Role requirements: Singing and acting.

Playing age: 13 - 18.

Songs: What's it to you (Lead)

Click here to go to Laura's audition bit

Davina - Eden Gates
Davina has had a traumatic day. She was shown up in front of work colleagues by an inconsiderate boss which has triggered her inferiority complex. She doesn't feel like talking, nor does she want to listen to advice. All she wants is a reassuring hug to make her feel loved.

Personality: She's a wonderful warm hearted person but too a fault. For the most part putting other's needs before hers she's easy prey for the controlling friend type, bully's or non empathic people in authority.

Role requirements: Acting & singing.
Playing age: 18 - 26.
Don't Say Another Word (Lead)

Click here to go to Davina audition bit 01

Click here to go to Davina audition bit 02

Tony - Lucas Greenwood
Charity Co Founder

Personality: He's Top guy who helps people both with the charity but in life in general too. Very little, if any, ego.

Role requirements: Acting.

 Playing age: 23 - 60.

Please note - Already cast

Click here to go to Tony Audition bit in the script

Antonio - Charlie White
Antonio is Davina's friend. He & Davina are two opposing side of the same coin. Both driven by insecurities but while she is timid he is loud and a pure chatterbox. On this day Antonio has had a day that has massaged his ego unlike, as he's about to find out, Davina's.

Personality: As mentioned above Antonio is insecure and it comes out as a chatterbox. He doesn't cope well with silences when he's with people so is compelled to fill in the gaps.

Role requirements: Acting.

Playing age: 20 - 30.

Click here to go to Antonio audition bit

Alfie - Erin Clarke
Alfie has arranged a meeting with his girlfriend. They are due to go on holiday however he increasingly realises that it's not working. He still can't get over his previous girlfriend who dumped him for another and he feels it's not fair to his current girlfriend.

Personality: Very conscientious and just wants to settle down to a simple existence with a woman and family that he can devote himself too.

Role requirements: Acting.

Playing age: 20 - 30.

Click here to go to Alfie bit

SCENE 1: Normal day at Café L'arté

It’s a normal day at Café L’arté. A café that prides itself on supporting the arts. The Cafe is owned and run by Emily with the help of her employee Robby. They have a section that sells musical instruments, and they also sell books and paintings. Robby arrives late for work, causing tension between her and Emily. Then in through the door walks Joseph, a first time visitor to the cafe. The following happens in real time over the course of approx. an hour.


Sorry I'm late.


Second time this week Robby. You look knackered… 


Charity work? 

Robby looks over, shrugs her shoulders but doesn’t say anything.


I’m sure I’ll find out one day. 


Oh Emily, I’ve got Jeanette & Tony coming later.


From the charity?


Yes. Jeanette’s says she has an announcement to make. I’ll see them in my break? Should only be about 10 minutes!


That's fine. Could you get some more milk please. 

Emily turns to a customer who has walked in during her conversation with Robby.


Morning. What can I get you?


A large latté and a pain au raison please.


Sure! Coming up!


Do you mind if I put one of my cards on your notice board?


Hang on.  Can I have a quick look to make sure it's OK.


In case there's anything inappropriate?


You never know, we’ve had some dubious ones in here. You’re not offering ‘private massage sessions’ are you?


I might be! Why who’s asking?

Joseph delivers this with a cheesy grin that would suggest he was expecting a laugh. Emily looks unimpressed. His expressions quickly changes to one of embarrassment.


Whoops!, inappropriate joke and no, nothing to do with massage. Here’s my card. 

 Joseph hands her his card. She has a close look at the card. 


Joseph Cross! Psychic Songwriter & Healer? 

Looks up at Joseph


Really? Never heard of one of them before! Do they even exist?


Well there’s one standing right in front of you. I take it by your reaction that you're a non believer?


I get the songwriting bit but Psychic? Nah. 

Big nostalgic smile on her face as she stares into the middle distance beyond Joseph.


Writing songs was my big passion.  

She holds her nostalgic expression until Joseph interrupts with his question.


Not anymore?


Nah! Long story!

Emily makes a brushing away gesture with her hand suggesting it’s a no go subject.


Anyway, I’ve never even heard of music being used for psychic or healing purposes.


Think about it! Music is a universal language that expresses emotions and feelings far better than mere words can, and there is nothing more effective at releasing damaging pent up emotions than expressing them into your own song.  

By this time Robby has brought the milk in and is generally cleaning up but is also listening in on the conversation with great interest. Emily looks thoughtful.


You're absolutely right!

However, regards believing in psychics, I'm a non believer, I’m afraid! Frankly, I think it's a load of old nonsense! Sorry!


No apology needed. We're all free to believe whatever we want. However...

...do you believe...

...that my business card is appropriate for your board?

Emily laughs. 


It’s fine. Can’t say the same for your jokes!

There's some spare pins on the board.

While Joseph pins the business card onto the board, Emily turns to the next customers, a dad and daughter. 


Morning! What can I get for you?

Joseph takes his stuff and goes and sits down.


I'll have a flat white with a blueberry muffin, and a mocha with chocolate chip cookie for my daughter please. 


Ok. Do you want a medium…

The dad butts in to crack a joke that he’s clearly very proud of.


No thanks we've already got one sat over there! 


Oh Dear, Dad Joke!

Emily laughs


Very good sir!, …or do you want a large on the Mocha?


Large Please.

While Emily serves the father and daughter, Joseph is sat at his table, reading a book & starts humming a melody which spur’s a shocked reaction from Emily. The Dad of the girl notices the way she's looking over at Joseph in a near frozen state.


Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, I hope you don't mind me saying so? 


No, no, sorry, I just heard something that’s taken me back a bit. I do apologise.


No, not at all.


Robby could you take over please.



Robby rushes to the counter. The dad & daughter go and sit down and Emily walks over to Joseph who's still humming the tune. He looks up to see Emily standing there with a desperate expression and slowly stops humming like a Sony walkman running out of battery power. 


Da da da da da da da da da da.

Hi, all ok? 


That tune you're humming?...




How do you know it?

Joseph looks at her name badge


Listen Emily, I know you think this is the stuff of nonsense but I could hear that tune emanating from you from the moment I walked in. Not only the tune but the story behind it. In fact it’s one of the most powerful communications I’ve ever received which is a clear indication of the depth of the emotion behind it. I know it's a story of loss but I'll say no more for now, that is of course unless you want me to? 

There's a pause of silence.


Other than me there was only one other person who knew that tune and Yes, it does mean a lot to me and... 

Emily is visibly upset, & too upset to talk


I'm so sorry.

Please, sit down.

Emily sits down with Joseph


There's no way you could have known that tune.


Emily, this is the work I do. As the card states, I pick up on people's emotional stories through music. Though I sense that you're not ready to talk about yours, not yet anyway.


You're right it's too painful and I still can’t get over how you know it.


I think you're battling an inner resistance to believing, despite evidence to the contrary. You know, we are all a little Psychic, we simply haven't all honed those skills. I know you're not ready but are you willing to take part in a little experiment? 


What does that involve?


When I pick up someone's story through song I can actually project what I'm hearing to someone receptive to my thoughts. 


Yeah right! No chance of that working with me, I'm still trying to get my head round all of this.


On the contrary I sense that ability in you to be strong and anyway, what have you got to lose. If it fails then you're proven right & I’m wrong, but… 

…you never know! 


Ok, What would I have to do?


If I pick up a song from any of your customers I'll nod at you. For you to be open to receiving, you need to cast all judgement out of your mind. Let go of it all and let your imagination run wild, set it loose, it's only by doing so that you'll pick up what I'm sending you. 

Emily starts getting up off the chair while talking


Joseph, you’re absolutely crazy! And I'm crazy to even think of going along with this! 

Sounds like fun though.


Well stand by cause I'm picking up a story already from that father & daughter. 

Emily heads back behind the counter


Going back to what I was saying. You're doing it to me too. I get this from the teachers and the kids at school. I'm different! I know I'm different, I think different to most and everyone seems to think they have the answer on how to fix me. I don't need fixing. This is me, I'm being true to myself. I’m not telling you or them how you should be, or how I can fix you!


Look, all I'm saying is that you need to listen once in a while. It's a tough world out there and it helps, sometimes, to compromise your desires and ideas to get on in life. 


Dad, I'm no good at being anyone else. I can only be me, and… 

Dad interrupts, & quite forcefully


Laura I'm saying these things for your own good. So you want to be an actress but you have to be realistic. Yeah, go ahead and join a drama club, have fun, but study for a proper profession, one that you can rely on to make a living. You know for every successful actor you'll find hundreds who have… 

The daughter initially listens then puts her head in her hands. She then signals to her dad to stop by holding her palm towards. Joseph, in the meantime, nods to Emily. The daughter gets up and begins to sing 'what's it to you'. 

What’s it to you?Saffy +1, Ella +7  prompt - Laura I'm saying these things...

Piano for Saffy +1

Verse 1
Do you ever wonder, just who makes up the rules
who has decided what you can or cannot do
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Verse 2
Is there a reason, I shouldn't be myself?
I see many people, who follow all the rest
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Won’t you realise
we’re born to be free, You don’t own,
No you don’t own
any rights to me
let’s agree to differ and be free
Verse 3
I am not like you, that doesn’t mean I’ve failed
I’ve simply decided, to only be myself
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Won’t you realise
we’re born to be free, You don’t own,
No you don’t own
any rights to me
let’s agree to differ and be free
What’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune

Won’t you realise
we’re born to be free, You don’t own,
No you don’t own
any rights to me
let’s agree to differ and be free

At the end of this one, Emily gives a thumbs up to Joseph with a big smile indicating that she did indeed pick up the song, while she serves another customer.


Oh, Laura, what am I going to do with you?


Dad, I love you to bits, all I'm asking is that you let me be me, please?


Laura, you’re going to drive me mad, and yet I don't think I'd have you any other way!

Emily goes and speaks to Joseph leaving Robby to serve again.


That was incredible I heard & saw everything, the song, the instruments the backing singers. It's amazing. 


That’s excellent Emily, that makes me so happy. You know I can do the same for you and your story if you're ready.


No not yet, anyway, I enjoyed that last one so much I want to see more. Could you carry on and we'll see about mine later? 


Ok, I'm game. I love 'people watching' anyway and everyone has a story or 2 waiting to be heard. As soon as I pick up anything I'll signal to you. Just let me know when you're ready for your own one 


Will do. 

Alfie walks in and goes up to the counter, ordering from Robby. They will be talking silently so as not to distract from the dialogue between Emily and Joseph. Alfie takes his coffee and sits down at the table. Also, half way through the following dialogue we see the writer walk in and cheekily secure a table and chair with a bag and coat before ordering. We see him put various items on the table ready for his writing session. He keeps hold of his notepad as he sets off ready to order his drinks. Emily is walking off back to the counter but then stops and returns to Joseph.


Actually Joseph, I know this is a little cheeky but could you connect with my assistant Robby, there’s always been something very mysterious about her! I know she’s involved in charity work with a local group but I feel that there’s something else that she’s not telling me.


Emily! I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.


No trouble, she is a great worker, I just want to unravel some of the mystery.


OK, I can see it’s pure curiosity and I do sense a ‘something to hide’ in Robby and those suppressed emotions won’t be doing her any good. Tell you what, if Robby comes over to clear my table at any point I’ll engage her in chat and see what I can do. Just keep an eye out so you don’t miss it.


Oh don’t worry I will, I certainly wouldn’t want to miss that one.

Alfie is at a table waiting for his girlfriend Debbie and we see her walk in, visibly stressed. In her haste she walks straight into the writer and knocks his notepad onto the floor.


Oh I’m so sorry.

They both stoop down to pick it up at the same time, though Debbie get’s it first & then holds it out to him while having a cheeky look at it’s contents. 


Here you go!

The writer



Looks like you’ve done a lot of work there. Working on something interesting?

The writer

A novel! Actually, more like, trying to write a novel. 


Not going well?

The writer

It was but since last Tuesday I’ve hit a horrendous writers block. So frustrating!


I bet!  I’m not a writer but I certainly know frustration at the moment after my day at work. I don’t think my day could get any worse. Anyway, I won’t bore you with that. I hope you get your mojo back very soon.

The writer

Thanks & I hope your day get’s better.


Me too.

The writer heads to the counter to order. (Again silently while we focus on Alfie & Debbie)




Hi Alfie


Everything ok? You look a little stressed.

Debbie is talking while taking her coat off and putting it on the back of the chair


It’s work! I don’t even wanna talk about it it’s stressed me out that much! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to our holiday. It’s been such a frustrating year. Stressed up to the eyeballs. Getting away from here, even for a couple of weeks, together with you means so much to me.

There’s a pause and a very concerned look on Alfie’s face


Alfie, is there something wrong. Tell me, please.

Alfie puts his head in his hands.


Alfie, what’s happened, talk to me Alfie, please. Has something bad happened to you?

Alfie’s face slowly emerges from his hands and he is now biting his left index finger of a clenched hand.




I knew this was going to be difficult but what you’ve just said has made it even more so!




The reason I called you here…

What I want to say is…

I’ve been thinking a lot lately Debbie…

Long pause. In the background we see the writer writing furiously, perhaps his writing is being influenced by the scene before him.




Look, I just want you to know that it’s not you it’s me.


Alfie? Alfie?

Debbie looks horrified and emotional, but Alfie just looks at her with a pained expression offering no further words. 


My job’s a nightmare, my band broke up, I’ve lost my confidence and now?
Now i t seems, I’ve lost you. What am I left with?


I’m so so sorry Debbie


That’s it? Two years and that’s it?


Sorry, so so Sorry. It’s all I can say.

After a pause a realisation comes over Debbie’s face and she turns back to face Alfie.


You’re not over her are you?

Alfie nervously nod’s his head while his eyes go from Debbie’s to his drink on the table.


She left you for another, because she said he, unlike you, made her feel alive, he had an edge. 

Who was there for you? I helped you through it. Didn’t leave your side. 


I know, but I can’t help my feelings. You don’t deserve this but you certainly don’t deserve to be with someone who’s still besotted with another.

You’re right Debbie. I’m an idiot.  


Oh you’re more than that Alfie, do you know what you are?

Alfie gets up, takes one last look at her, says nothing more and walks out. Debbie carries on talking to him, head following him still while remaining sat. Debbie responds, trying to sound tough but the tearful emotion comes through as she talks.


That’s it, you just runaway from the truth, you can’t take it

Alfie doesn’t realise that he’s left his hat. This time Debbie has her hands in her face, but she starts singing ‘stronger now’, with backing vocals supplied by the rest of the cast. 

Stronger Now Jamila +2  Ella +1 prompt - You don't deserve this...

When all hope is gone
Music makes me strong
Nothing else can do what it does, for me.
When all hope is gone
Music makes me strong
Nothing else can do what it does, for me.
When all hope is gone
Music makes me strong
Nothing else can do what it does, for me.
Verse 1
Did you ever figure it out? 
Why you walked away from everything that we had,
and did you ever want to ask how
I felt after all you'd done and what we'd been through 
You’ve left me without any doubt 
That giving to the heartless, can
Bite you on the… 
But I'm never giving this up
The passion for this art stops me from falling apart 
Cause this is the thing I do to pour out my feelings
There's no other way I know to bring about healing
You've torn me apart so I'll deal with it my way through this art of mine
The time that we spent together was so revealing 
And though it went wrong it won't stop me believing that through all the
challenges I've been receiving I will learn and grow,
that person you let go
Is stronger now
Verse 2
When we feel the hurt of an end
temptation is to run away. Say never again
you won't have much of a life running from your fear forever,
you better think twice 
Music is the cure of that pain
Nothing else has quite the potential to wash it away
Without losing your mind, you have not been numbed
your seeing it all with your eyes 
Cause this is the thing I do to pour out my feelings
There's no other way I know to bring about healing
You've torn me apart so I'll deal with it my way through this art of mine
The time that we spent together was so revealing 
And though it went wrong it won't stop me believing that through all the
challenges I've been receiving I will learn and grow, that person you let go
Is stronger now
You’ve broken my heart! But you cannot break my art!
That remains so strong, no matter what you do
Music get’s me through! You!
Cause this is the thing I do to pour out my feelings
There's no other way I know to bring about healing
You've torn me apart so I'll deal with it my way through this art of mine
The time that we spent together was so revealing 
And though it went wrong it won't stop me believing that through all the
challenges I've been receiving I will learn and grow, 
Cause this is the thing I do to pour out my feelings
There's no other way I know to bring about healing
You've torn me apart so I'll deal with it my way through this art of mine
The time that we spent together was so revealing 
And though it went wrong it won't stop me believing that through all the
challenges I've been receiving I will learn and grow, that person you let go
Is stronger now

During the break, Alfie walks back in to get the hat he had forgotten, just in time to hear Debbie sing ‘No matter what you do music gets me through ‘YOU’. With the ‘YOU’ being aimed at Alfie and he escapes with fear leaving his hat behind again. Alfie walks out just as Davina walks in while Debbie sits down, head disappearing in the palms of her hands. Davina is a regular at Café L'Arté and is greeted accordingly

Robby & Emily

Hiya Davina

Davina continues to the counter but says nothing and Robby and Emily look at each other as they can tell this isn't the Davina they've come to know


Are you having your usual Davina?

Davina nods


Davina, is everythging ok? You don't look very happy at all.


Robby. Am I U...?

Davina doesn't complete the word ugly. She realises it's too strong.


Are you what?


Am I punching above my weight with Antonio?

Robby looks shocked at what she's just heard from Davina


Oh Davina. Where the heck has that come from?

Davina looks embarrased and doesn't want to say anything more.


Davina, you can tell me. I'm not exactly the most confident person myself.


Today I was with some friends and we were discussing my new glasses. I had some opinions and compliments and then one of them said "it's Antonio who needs new glasses". A few of them laughed and I laughed with them to go along with it.


Making out that you saw the funny side of it?




But there is no funny side of it is there?


Not for me.


Davina, I could stand here and tell you that you should have challenged them on it and embarrased them for their misplaced humour. But the truth is I would probably have done exactly the same thing as you. I so want to be liked, the last thing I would want is to challenge my friends and risk losing them even if they're sometimes nasty.


You've got me so right Robby. I don't understand why people have to be so cruel. I don't want to hurt anyone so why do others feel that they can hurt me? Sometimes I feel like I'm a human pin cushion. Antonio means the world to me but I know now that when I see him I'll just think "am I good enough for him?".

Robby has a look of deep concern on her face 

She'a getting emotional as she relates to what Davina is going through


Davina please don't...

She pauses as she chokes up a little as she finishes Davinas drink and then hands it to her.


You're going to set me off. I have to crack on but please Davina, if you want to have a chat later once I've finished, you know where to find me.


Thank you Robby I really appreciate that though I'll be honest at the moment I don't feel like talking at all. Please don't feel offended.


Davina, don't worry. In fact there are times when I get to the point when, rather than talk, I just want to scream out at the top of my voice in frustration.

Just then we hear a cry of frustration from The Writer.

The Writer

Oh for crying out loud.

Davina walks to a table while we see the writer ripping a page out of his notebook, tearing it up to pieces and throwing them up in the air, visually displaying signs of frustration, while, in the background, the piano riff to The Writer begins and he then performs the song. While he sings the song Robby is working the floor. She goes to tables clearing up empty cups etc. She approaches the writers table while he’s singing to clear up the pieces but rushes away afraid when she sees how angry he comes across. She carries on cleaning the other tables.

The writer Joe +1 Lucas +3 (first audio is backing, second is vocal reference)

Verse 1
Reach for the switch turn on the light
Prepare to work throughout the night
Still waiting, debating 
Why no ideas have come to light 
Remember days when words would flow
From where they came I'll never know
Still waiting, debating, not knowing what to write again
Still waiting, debating, but hoping for
That state of mind when words did...
...come alive, Every Day, every night, Pouring out from my mind
from the heart, through the pen, onto the page, words of rage, words of love
broken hearts, torn apart, ups & downs, Imagination, forming stories
forming the stories, I weave into chapters, inside my Book
Verse 2
Pick up the pen begin to write, a story of my inner plight
temptations, frustrations, Relationships broken apart
Drawing from memories of my past, The words are flowing thick and fast 
temptations, frustrations, They're flowing through me once again
temptations, frustrations, They're flowing through...
That state of mind when words did...
...come alive, Every Day, every night, Pouring out from my mind
from the heart, through the pen, onto the page, words of rage, words of love
broken hearts, torn apart, ups & downs, Imagination, forming stories
forming the stories, I weave into chapters, inside my Book
Creatively we are nothing without hurt in our hearts
It’s with that fuel that we write,
There is no sword with the power of that pen in your hand
So use it wisely while you can 
Enlighted, not frightened, To write down what I feel inside 
Enlighted, not frightened, To work inside that frame of mind when words do...
...come alive, Every Day, every night, Pouring out from my mind
from the heart, through the pen, onto the page, words of rage, words of love
broken hearts, torn apart, ups & downs, Imagination, forming stories
into chapters on those pages
Why do I put myself through all of this anguish when I could take it easy 
Fight a war on my heart., Is writing an antidote or the cause of my pain? 
Why do I put myself through all of this anguish when I could take it easy 
Fight a war on my heart., Is writing an antidote or the cause of my pain?  
forming the stories, I weave into chapters, inside my Book

Eventually, just as The Writer finishes his song and starts writing furiously again, she arrives at Joseph’s Table.


Are you finished with these bits 


Yes I have thanks. You’ll have to excuse me but can I ask you a question? 


Well that depends on the question! 


If you happened to notice something odd on me, something potentially embarrassing, would you tell me, to save me from further embarrassment to others, or would you feel like you’re intruding and leave it for someone else to say.


I’d probably leave it cause I’m a little on the shy side and I would feel like I was intruding!

Robby presses the inside of her right thumb up against her front teeth, deep in thought.


…and yet if it was me with something out of place I would want someone to tell me to save me further embarrassment. I suppose that makes me a little hypocritical!


Quite possibly, however it does give me licence to point something out to you.

Robby instantly goes red faced.


Oh dear. What have you spotted.


Are you sure I won’t be intruding if I tell you.


No, no, please tell me, please.


You really do feel strongly about this.


I do, I’m sorry it’s just that…



Yes, go on.


No just tell me please


Ok, well if I’m not mistaken, is that a tail that is slightly protruding out of your uniform round the back.


Oh, crap. I thought I’d sorted that out.

Emily looks over & notices, with interest, that Joseph is talking to Robby. While Robby is checking for the tail, & then tucks it into her clothes Joseph nods to Emily signalling to expect a song/story.


Could I ask a favour please. 

I see that you’ve been talking to Emily. Please don’t tell her what you’ve noticed. I’m afraid that if she finds out what I’m involved in outside of work I may lose my job and that would be devastating for me.


Ok, but I’m a little bit lost! What exactly is it that you do?


I have a thing about pantomime horses. I don’t know what it is but when I put one on I can totally lose myself in another world! Pure escapism? So please, please don’t tell her.


You’re quite strange you know! In a wonderful way of course. I promise you have my word!

Robby smiles in acknowledgement and starts to walk away


On one condition!


What condition?


Well there may come a time when you’ll have to tell her so pretend for a moment that I am Emily. How would you tell me?

Robby sings Robby’s song. Robby, while singing, puts on the horses head and dances around the coffee shop approaching a number of the audience before finally going back to Josephs table and getting back to normal. During the performance The Writer, now much happier having overcome his writers block get’s up and leaves, probably ushered out by the pantomime horse. As he leaves, in walks Davina, goes up to the counter and is served by Emily. We see Robby strip off the pantomime horse and settle back where they started.

Robby’s song Emily +2  prompt - How would you tell me?...

Verse 1
if you think you know me, well you don’t really know me at all, that's for sure!
And if you ever wonder, where it is I go in the night, that’s my concern! 
Cause I am just letting go, from the tensions that stunt my growth
My secret, it transports me and sets me free
Verse 2
I try to hide my feelings cause people will think that I am strange,
it’s true, I am!
One day I hope to come out, reveal to everyone what I do, till then I won’t
Cause I am just letting go, from the tensions that stunt my growth
My secret, it transports me and sets me free
I am just letting go, from the tensions that stunt my growth
My secret, it transports me and sets me free


Well that’s my part of the deal sorted! Yours?


My lips are sealed!

Davina is at a table. She’s upset and staring into thin air. In walks her boyfriend Antonio. He’s on a high and quite full of himself after a rewarding incident at work. So full of himself that it takes him a while to even notice that Davina is feeling totally the opposite, and needs comforting after a bad experience and isn’t in any mood for conversation. During Antonio’s talk we see Tony and Jeanette walk in and order drinks and chat to Robby about the meeting they’re about to have. While at the counter they join in the song ‘don’t say another word’ in the break and carry on doing so as they go to their table and sit down in preparation for the meeting.


Oh Davina, am I glad to see you. I can’t wait to tell you what happened at work. Sat in my office and my manager comes in and he’s like “Antonio, can I have a word?” and I’m like “yeah, errr, have I done something wrong” and he’s like “nah, just come out here and I’ll tell you”. So I’m a bit worried and I go out there and the whole sales team are there and I’m like “what’s going on?” and my manager breaks into this speech about how my sales have been growing week on week since I joined and how I’ve become a shining example to the team etc. Etc. You should have seen, Gavin’s face in all this. You know, the guy who’s always trying to compete with me and is always bitching about me behind my back. Anyway, my manager only goes and announces that I’ve been given sales person of the year. The flipping YEAR. Yes, ME! Can you Adam and Eve it? Everyone starts clapping, including the resentful Gavin, Can you…

Davina, Davina. Something’s wrong isn’t it? There’s me rambling on like the selfish sod that I am without realising that you’re upset about something. What’s happened? Davina? Tell me.

Davina starts singing ‘Don’t say another word’ accompanied by the other cast members. During the height of the song, the other cast members are all singing lines aimed at Davina as pieces of well meaning, but intrusive advice, this is not what she needs. All she needs at this moment is silent reassurance.  

Don't Say Another Word Eden and Sabina -2 prompt - Davina, somethings wrong isn't it?...

Verse 1
Today somebody hurt my pride, I had to turn the other way
All of my confidence just died, It was fragile anyway
Please wrap your arms around me, Show me that you still love me
I need to feel this from you
Please don’t say another word to me, No need to speak your thoughts to me
Stop right now, and hold me tight
Verse 2
and let your actions scream out loud, there’s no place I’d rather be
to be with you makes me so proud, I want to lose myself in you
Please wrap your arms around me, Show me that you still love me
I need to feel this from you
Please don’t say another word to me, No need to speak your thoughts to me
Stop right now, and hold me tight
Pre Break
Hold me so tight & never let go, Hold me so tight & never let go
When you’re down,
Head spinning round,
We will be there for you
To turn it round,
we will help you to see,
It’s not just you
It’s something we’ve all been through,
It’s nothing new,
But it hurts all the same
Someone’s to blame,
& now it is part of you,
Let it go

But we won’t say a word,
Just let them heal,
the words that were said to me,
read to me,
thrown to me,
screamed to me,
hurting me,
breaking me,
tearing me up inside
Don’t you know that you’re never gonna be the same
Shouldn’t do, the things that you have done to me
But the pain will have torn away this very heart
Take control, adopt the more important role
Do not fear the judgement in this cruel domain
Step on back, and think about what you’ve been through
I know that you are never going to be the same
Please wrap your arms around me, Show me that you still love me
I need to feel this from you
Please don’t say another word to me, No need to speak your thoughts to me
Stop right now, and hold me tight

No words necessary.As she finishes the song Antonio just hugs her.
We see a lady wearing large sunglasses walk in (Julia)


Emily, is it ok to take my break now?


No probs! Hope the meeting goes well.

Robby grabs a pad and goes and joins Jeanette and Tony at the table.

Julia goes up to the counter and orders a drink from Emily (silently while we watch the following scene) then finds a table and sits down (it’s the table where Alfie’s hat is still.


Guys I’ve brought you here today as I want to make an announcement. If you could hear me out till the end please and then you can give me your thoughts. 




Fair enough!


As you know, I started the charity 5 years ago now following the passing of my son. With your help We’ve achieved such a lot in that time. Of course, things haven’t always gone perfect, we’ve had our ups and downs but more recently I’ve come under a lot of criticism. The original Charity song that we produced, which turned out very well, and was meant to raise money ended up costing us, so we had to dip into our reserves instead.


But that wasn’t your fault Jeanette, it was down to that lady…


Sorry, Robby if I can just finish my say, then you’ll understand.
The annual ball didn’t fair much better either. We had a reported food poisoning and I miscalculated how much food to order and…


Jeanette, none of that was down to you, you should be proud…


Please Tony…

Jeanette pauses in thought


Let me just cut to the chase. What I’m saying is that I realise that, though my heart’s in the right place I simply haven’t got the skills to run this charity. I want it to carry on I just want to see someone competent take over.
What do you say?

The others get up and sing ‘The Journey’

Emily, in the absence of anyone needing to be served, self indulgently heads towards the music section.

The Journey Jamila +2 prompt - Someone competent...

Verse 1
Look in,
my eyes,
see things,
I hide? 
Can you see the reasons why I live, I love, I hate, & remonstrate? 
Throughout this journey I relate to you and all your stories
about how you feel the need, 
The need,
to Thrive,
To thrive,
Despite the obstacles and hurt
The hurt,
You seek to bathe this awesome world,
This world
in light,
In light
You're not the only one who screams your pain inside
You open up your heart and set us free 
Verse 2
New day,
New start,
My way
Can you see the reasons why I live, I love, I hate, & remonstrate? 
Throughout this journey I relate to you and all your stories
about how you feel the need,
The need,
to Thrive,
To thrive
Despite the obstacles and hurt
The hurt
You seek to bathe this awesome world,
This world
in light,
In light
You're not the only one who screams your pain inside
You open up your heart and set us free 
Can you see the reasons why I live, I love, I hate, & remonstrate? 
Throughout this journey I relate to you and all your stories
about how you feel the need,
The need,
Final Chorus
The need, to Thrive,
To thrive
Despite the obstacles and hurt,
The hurt,
You seek to bathe this awesome world,
This world,
in light,
In light
What drives you to your strength to stand,
To stand,
& fight,
& fight 
To bring illumination to,
dark nights,
Dark nights 
To lead the way when others lose,
They lose,
their might,
Their might
You're not the only one who screams your  pain inside
You open up your heart and set us free 


Sod the money, sod the critics, through your open heart, through you getting out there and uniting us together you have helped so many of us. Neither I or my kids would have been able to get through this without you, or those countless of other people you’ve helped.


I feel the same way, Jeanette, you’ve been nothing short of an inspiration to me and many others. What you’ve achieved is nothing short of astonishing and I don’t think anyone can have done what you’ve done so…




Please Jeanette, let me finish, and I believe I’m speaking on behalf of Robby too when I say, No way! You’re going nowhere, we’ll be there for you but you and your Journey is the reason we are doing so well today.

A man walks (Karl) in and goes to the unattended counter. Then is looking around the shop. Robby notices and has to leave the meeting.


Totally agree Tony, you’re truly an inspiration Jeanette. Excuse me I’ll have to go and serve this customer.

Hi, What can I get you?


Oh nothing I’m fine thanks. Just found who I was looking for.

Karl spots Julia sat down at a table and goes and sits near her.


Babe, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.

Julia turns her head away and remains silent.


Why didn’t you tell me that you’d gone off.

Again Julia chooses to not reply


Look I know you’re upset after last night. I don’t blame you, it was just one of those moments. I’m so sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.
Babe, I love you, so so much. 

Julia takes off the glasses revealing a black eye. We start hearing the ‘in your eyes’ piano riff in the background


Is this your way of showing me you love me Karl? Is that your idea of love?


Babe put those glasses back on. I didn’t mean it. You know I didn’t.


Just like you didn’t mean the last time, or the time before that or…

Karl is getting angry


Come on it’s time to go.

Karl stands up and grabs her hand and Julia pulls it away.


You’re right it’s time to go Karl, but not with you, it’s over. I’m leaving.

Karl stands up and grabs her hand and Julia pulls it away. He starts rapping ‘in your eyes’. They perform this together. The actions will reflect the words of the song.

Everyone in the shop is getting concerned.

In the break of the song, Karl tries to pull Julia with him and Joseph, & Tony go and grab him to pull him back while Emily, Robby and Jeanette step in to help Julia. There is a struggle. Karl ends up throwing Julia’s bag on the floor and various items fall out. By the start of the 3rd verse, Tony & Joseph are standing guard on Karl making sure he doesn’t go further, during the final chorus, without struggle he walks away at the end of the song. Julia is on the floor picking up the bits that fell out of her bag. The others are helping her. She starts singing ‘I turn to you’. She’s picking up the bits during the verse and is upright by the time she get’s to the chorus. Everyone is joining in the with the backing vocals. 

In your eyes Elisa -3 Eden -2 Promt takes glasses off

Verse 1
You can’t leave, that’s what I said, So get that thought right out of your head
you’re mine don’t even think of walking, Shut it now, it’s me who’s talking
Do you think this is a game, You play my life then give me |the blame
Well I for one won’t be a victim, you’ve got no right to be evicting
Can’t you see that it’s over now
No you’re wrong
I don’t wanna be here any more,
You’ve pushed it too far this time
Please don’t go
You’ve changed & I see it in your eyes
In your eyes I see, what you wanted me to be, through your lies
Verse 2
I know that it’s not you whose talking, think about all the things you’re saying
we’ve got this thing that’s far too strong man, listen to the words I’m saying
Now & then this thing breaks down, But pretty soon we come around
don’t wanna waste, so let’s embrace, forget those thoughts, get outta that place
Can’t you see that it’s over now
No you’re wrong
I don’t wanna be here any more,
You’ve pushed it too far this time 
Please don’t go
You’ve changed & I see it in your eyes
In your eyes I see, what you wanted me to be, through your lies
Verse 3
Can’t you see it’s my heart your breaking,
What you’ve said about me’s mistaken
I can’t live without you now, From this nightmare, please awaken
If you believe these things you say, I promise I will go away
Just spare the hurting words you’ve spoken, Look into my eyes, I’m broken
Can’t you see that it’s over now 
No you’re wrong
I don’t wanna be here any more,
You’ve pushed it too far this time 
Please don’t go
You’ve changed & I see it in you
Can’t you see that it’s over now 
No you’re wrong
I don’t wanna be here any more,
You’ve pushed it too far this time 
Please don’t go
You’ve changed & I see it in your eyes
In your eyes I see, what you wanted me to be, through your lies

I turn to you

Verse 1
Can I just say a few words lord, A prayer that i speak from the heart
I want you to know what I’m feeling, Something I feel deep inside of me today
Sometimes my life isn’t easy, In fact there are times when I can’t understand
why we go through the hard times,
and I find myself losing the heart to be strong, yes I do
but then I turn to you, and I feel, like you’re here by my side for me
turn to you, then I feel, like you’re here by my side for me, I turn to you 
Verse 2
at times I am lost for the rights words,
the words that would pour out my heart, I struggle to make sense of my life
like I cannot deliver the script for my part, the tears that then fall are deceiving,
reaction to all I can take, but suddenly I am feeling a reason,
and I don’t need to find words to light up the fire, in my heart
but then I turn to you, and I feel, like you’re here by my side for me
then I feel, like you’re here by my side for me
I turn to you
I turn to you

While Julia sings, Alfie walks through the shop door, looks around to see if Debbie is still in the room. When he’s see’s that she isn’t he goes to the table, finds his hat, picks it up and starts to walk out, but he pauses as he realises that he recognises the voice. Turns around and their eyes meet. She runs into his arms and they embrace as we hear the rest of the cast complete the backing vocals. They sit down holding hands and our attention then goes to Emily who’s at the music section dusting off a digital piano. Joseph walks over.


Emily, I'm going to have to go very soon. You've been through quite a few other peoples emotional stories now, so I'm just chasing up on whether your ready for your own yet, if at all?


You've given me the most amazing experience. It's been so insightful as well as entertaining and I've been kind of putting mine off!


I understand, a little scary going through your own.


Exactly. But hey, let's do it.


Great stuff, now sit down and relax.

Emily sits, shuts her eyes and goes totally into receive mode. In fact she falls so deep into this mode that she doesn’t realise that she starts playing the piano and singing for real. We hear her and the cast sing 'I believe in you' with Emily doing the lead vocals. 

I Believe in You Elisa -1

He said “I believe in you, And everything you do”,
He said “I will be with you, Until our days are through.”,
“I don't want to think about, The dark times in our lives
I just want to know, About the beauty and joy we feel inside”
He sang, da da da da, He sang, da da da da
I'll never forget his words, They've merged into my heart
And there they'll remain because, We'll never be apart
I know this is temporary, Just a question of some time
Of that I've no doubt, cause like you  believed in me
Well d in you
He sang, da da da da, He sang, da da da da
As time goes by I miss him more and more each day
As time goes by I know this hurt won’t wash away
And now many years have past, but I still hear that tune
It reminds me of our special times, when we lived life to the full
now The cupboards of my sore heart are empty without you
Oh how I miss you, I’m looking up to the stars
Hearing you sing, da da da da
He sang, da da da da, He sang, da da da da
And nothing that they can say will ever break that bond
I’m hoping one day I’ll be there to hear you sing, da da da da

At the end the rest of the people in the cafe applaud.


Oh my God. That was incredible. It felt like I was washing away a lot of the hurt of these last few years. 

Emily then notices that everyone in the Cafe are applauding. 


I don't understand, why is everyone clapping? They surely can’t have seen what was in our heads?


Emily, you were so into it you performed it for real on piano and vocal. 


How embarrassing!


Not at all, more like how amazing!


You know Tom and I used to hum that melody all the time when we were alone together. He said it was our way of saying I love you. Our secret way.

Again Emily enters a phase of dreamy nostalgia staring into the middle distance, then wakes from it suddenly


Okay, so what else can you tell me about my story?


Well, this is what I have picked up. Before you lost this special person in your life you had an amazing musical talent, you wrote songs at will, truly excellent songs pouring out of you that, unfortunately, were going to waste cause you weren’t doing anything with them. But since losing him you haven't written, not a single song.


In fact I only started writing songs when I met Tom , then, when I lost him, I lost the ability. You see, he completed me, he gave me the strength, the ability, the desire, creatively I’m nothing without him!


I'm also picking up that you had big plans, of what you were going to do with the music together.


Loads of plans. He had only 2 months left of his tour of duty when I got the news. He made me promise before he left that we would sell up this shop and start our new life. Him as my manager, producer and inspiration and me as songwriter/playwright. Of course it never happened. Without him I lost the will, the energy the ability. And here I am, still.

Anyway, enough of that, What a day! I didn't believe any of this at the start of the day! Joseph you are truly amazing I'm so sorry for doubting you at the beginning. I thought it was a load of old nonsense and now I’m a believer

There's a short pause, Joseph gets up, walks to the business card board and takes off his card and tears it up. Emily looks puzzled.


Why did you do that?


You were right to doubt me!


What? I don't understand. You're playing with my mind right?


Emily. It's time I told you my story. Please hear me out, this is important so you can understand why I'm here. Five years ago, I was serving in Afghanistan. I became friends with an amazing, selfless and brave man. His name was Tom. 

A look of realisation comes over Emily’s face


Yes, your Tom. I had so much respect for that guy. The day he was fatally wounded, he knew he didn't have long. All he could talk about was you. He was consumed with concern about you and your future. I stayed with him throughout. At one point he suddenly cheered up, said he had an idea, that he knew exactly what to do, said it was the only way. He made me promise to carry out a plan. He repeated what he wanted me to do over and over again until I knew it inside out. I thought it was crazy, but I loved that guy so I made that promise to him. 

Weeks, months and years passed and even though I had promised, I couldn't find the courage to do it. I thought the plan was doomed to failure especially with me, of all people, trying to carry it out. Over these 5 years I kept putting it off. But I felt so much guilt for letting him down, it was eating away at me. Finally today I fulfilled that promise I made to Tom.

Emily gets up and paces, all a bit too much to take in. She's deep in thought.


So he taught you our tune, that’s clear, I see that now!


Yes. Of course. I didn't pick it up from you at all. Sorry.


However that doesn’t explain the rest. I heard all those songs you had in your head. How can you explain that? 


Emily, I haven't got a creative bone in my body, I heard nothing! Nothing at all. That is until your own emotional song, when I finally heard you, not in my imagination, but with my own ears as I sat next to you while you performed it. 


That doesn't make any sense! What was I hearing then? Where did those fully formed songs I heard come from?


You Emily, they came from you, all of them. You simply tuned in to your customers conversations. Tom knew you so well. He knew your talent but he also new that you have no belief in yourself whatsoever. This plan he came up with was the only way he could prove to you that you don't need anyone. Not him, not me, no one except to believe in yourself & your gift. Today I was simply a placebo. You came up with those songs, every single one of them, straight from your imagination. Tom knew you would, it was me who doubted it just as I doubted myself. It was his way of saying, fulfil your dreams Emily, you have no excuse now.  

Joseph gets up and put on his coat and prepares to leave.


Tom's message is this Emily, believe in yourself like he believed in you.
Just like I made a promise to Tom that I never believed I was capable of doing...
...until today. 

Joseph leaves

Emily is deep in thought and we hear the first chords of Until Today, she then begins & continues to sing the whole song to the outro.

Until Today Elisa -6 - The audio below is an actual recording of Gabi singing at one of live shows in 2017

Verse 1
You know It is not very easy, to put words into this song,
about emotions I’ve had come to me, ever since it all went wrong.
Though these feelings aren’t healing, they bring so much home to me, 
about what we had, & since we’ve lost…
It seems what got us started caused our end 
Now you’re gone, but I need you to hear this song,
Maybe I need you to know , 
That my life became a blur through my crying eyes, until today
Verse 2
From the moment I saw you, I knew that you would be the one, 
my heaven on earth, my fantasy, But now that is all undone, it is all in the past
This curse has been cast, To live my whole life now without you, 
Yet I feel so glad for the time we had, and...
It seems what got us started caused our end 
Now you’re gone, but I need you to hear this song,
Maybe I need you to know , 
That my life became a blur through my crying eyes, until today
Must be an easier way, to thank you for restoring my desire,
I  remember when, you took me in your arms and said,
“I believe in you, you can do this without me,” well now I see, 
oooooh, I did not realise, oooooh, Until today, oooooooh
Verse 3
it is all in the past, This curse has been cast,
To live my whole life now without you, 
Yet I feel so glad for the time we had, and...
It seems what got us started caused our end 
Now you’re gone, but I need you to hear this song,
Maybe I need you to know , 
That my life became a blur through my crying eyes
it defies, any logic I’ve retained, Maybe I need you to know , 
That my life became a blur through my crying eyes
so I’ll stop crying here today, I once felt like my whole world was dying
While I was crying, Until today


We see Robby appear from behind the counter with a saucer in her hand and while the piano outro of until today plays


One Gluten free, lactose free soya vegan choc chip cookie?

The end



Book for Joseph

Horses tail for Robby

Horses head for Robby

Pin board


3 x tables

6 x chairs

had for alfie

Bag for Julia

































Café L'Arté Song List

1 What’s it to you Daughter with cast backing

2 Stronger Now Debbie with cast backing

3 The Writer The Writer

4 Robby’s song Robby

5 Don’t say another word Davina with cast backing

6 The Journey Jeannette, Robby, Tony & with cast backing

7 In Your Eyes Karl and Julia with cast backing

8 I Turn to You Julia with cast backing

9 I Believe in You Emily with cast backing

10 Until today Emily



How to use this workshop site

👈🏻 • Click the buttons on either side to go directly to characters or sections. 👉🏻

• When you go to the characters you get info about them. You also get which songs they sing (if any) and if you click on the songs it takes you directly to the song in the script where you get the lyrics and audio of the song. If there is a second audio that will be a backing track of the song that you can rehearse to.

• At the bottom of each charachter you get a link that takes you directly to their audition piece.

• If you click the song button on the left hand side you go straight to the song list of all 11 songs. If you click on the song your are taken to the part of the script that the song lyrics/audio appear.

Video Reference

Below you will find a video recording of Café L'Arté performed in Waterstone MK in May of 2017. This was filmed for reference only as the video is of poor quality and doesn't do justice to the piece but remains very valuable to refer to for how scenes were approached back then.

There are some changes as the production has since expanded so you won't find a performance of 'your life is in your hands' and the scene with Julia and Karl performing 'in your eyes' and 'I turn to you' have been introduced since then.

A very merry Christmas
Abbie, AJ, Elisa
I hear winter is calling, outside snow maybe falling
We'll stay warm by the fire inside, oh oh oh oh
We'll be happy together, friends make everything better
And we know how to do this right, together we'll make the season bright.
Others join in bit by bit.
Coz oh, Christmas is a time for cheer
So everybody gather near, and lift your voice for all to hear
'cuz it's the merriest time of the year.
And Christmas is a time for love, you know the world can never have enough.
So come and sing along with us!
And have a very Merry Christmas, a very Merry Christmas.

Deck the halls with the holly, lets be joyful and jolly
You can put on a santa hat.........
Poppy, rommi, Pops Skyla
Play that Bing and Sinatra, it's not Christmas without ya
Your songs welcome the season back
And this is where all the fun is at
Coz oh, Christmas is a time for cheer
So everybody gather near, and lift your voice for all to hear
'cuz it's the merriest time of the year.
And Christmas is a time for love, you know the world can never have enough.
So come and sing along with us!
And have a very Merry Christmas, a very Merry Christmas.
Freya & ...
Let's enjoy these moments while they last,
Mia & lexy, Talia, Ella
Everybody knows time goes by so fast
Elisa, AJ & Abbie to Crescendo
Let the music play, so we can share some joy today
Oh, Christmas is a time for cheer
So everybody gather near, and lift your voice for all to hear
'cuz it's the merriest time of the year.
And Christmas is a time for love, you know the world can never have enough.
So come and sing along with us!
And have a very Merry Christmas, a very Merry Christmas.

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