
Mark has the bottle

Scene 1

Victoria is talking to her drama teacher Mrs Poppolina. We see them walk on stage talking


I so agree with you Mrs Poppolina, I loved Six, loved Matilda and as for Wicked..

Mrs Poppolina

Victoria, if all my students were like you my job would be even better. I don't think I could live without drama and music.


Well I wish I could spend all my time in your classes. It's what makes me come to school. If it was all maths and science I don't think I'd be able to get out of bed in the morning.

Mrs Poppolina notices someone approaching wearing a hood so starts looking with some suspicion while Victoria is talking.

The boy is walking past when he suddenly grabs Victoria's water bottle out of her bag. The water bottle is Wicked the Musical merchandise

Hoodie Boy

Shut up man. Nobody loves musicals


Give that back

Hoodie boy runs away with the bottle off stage with Victoria and Mrs Poppolina in hot pursuit

Scene 2

Victoria and Mrs Poppolina walk back on stage

Mrs Poppolina

Sorry Vicky. I didn't manage to find him


Nor me. He was too quick. What am I going to do. I saved up for ages for that Wicked bottle and...

Mrs Poppolina

Don't worry please Vicky, I've had a word with the headmaster and he has taken my description and he's arranged an identity parade. I think we're going to get the rascal who did this and punish them for their crimes.


Crime you mean. He stole my bottle.

Mrs Poppolina

No, crimes, for stealing the bottle and what he said about musicals.

Mrs Poppolina's phone rings

Mrs Poppolina

Hi Mr Tallyencontu. That's great we're coming over now

She puts down the phone

Mrs Poppolina

Right let's go, the identity parade is being readied at the moment

Scene 3

We see a number of hooded students walk in and line up ready for the identity parade
Then the headmaster Mr Tallyencontu walks on

Mr Tallyencontu

I believe one of these is the person we're looking for. To help, as you approach them, I've asked them to say "shut up, no one likes musicals". When you've identified the culprit we'll ask them to return the bottle.

Victoria and Mrs Poppolina approach each one and they say their words, all very individual and funny. Once they've moved to each one Mr Tallyencontu turns to Victoria and Mrs Poppolina

As she approaches one of the hoodies they sing the words in a musical theatre way.

Hoodie from the Hood

Shut up, no one likes musicals

Singing Hoodie

Shut up no one likes musicals

Mrs Poppolina

Wow, I want you in my class

the hoodie replies in song


No chance, I can't sing.

Next one is very high pitched (Mia?)

Main Hoodie Boy

Shut up no one likes musicals



Next one flings off his hoodie, he's a nerd, he gets out a calculator

Nerd hoodie

According to my calculations, and my new algorithm, no one likes musicals ☝️🤓

Hoodie Technophone

Shut up no one likes musicals

She then takes a selfie

Nerd hoodie

According to my calculations phones are prohibited on the school premises

Hoodie technophone replies aggressively

Hoodie Technophone

According to my calculations nobody asked for your opinion

Mrs Poppolina

Definitely not them

Mr Tallyencontu


Mrs Poppolina

I can't tell from that. They all look like the person but no one sounds like them


It's the same with me. Only thing is, now I'll never get my bottle back.


Scene 4

We have a group of hooded figures in a group when Victoria is walking past

Main Hoodie Boy

Oh look who it is, little miss musicals

Hoodie from the Hood

Are you missing your bottle?

Singing hoodie

Are you getting a little thirsty?

Hoodie four, gets the wicked bottle out of his bag

Hoodie Technophone

If you are, come and grab it and you can have a drink


Give that back

Nerd Hoodie

You come and take it

Victoria runs to get it but they tease her by throwing it at each other and she can't get hold of it and is getting worked up. Suddenly they hear a voice


Give her bottle back

Hoodie Technophone

Oh you, Mr Caretaker. Go and mop the floor or something and leave us to what we do best


I said, give her bottle back

Main Hoodie

Well why don't you come and get it

Suddenly we hear music begin to play and Mark takes off his overalls to reveal a smart suit underneath and he proceeds to fight the hoodies in slow motion while doing a walts. He defeats them one by one with bottle wielding one last. and that's when the music stops


Here's your bottle Victoria


Thank you so much


It was nothing, it's just me doing my job. Cleaning up. So no need to thank me, it will only embarrass me.

With that Mark walks off, onto his next job

Scene 5

We see Victoria and Mrs Poppolina walk on

Mrs Poppolina

I heard about what Mark did. All the students involved have now been suspended from school. 


He was truly amazing and I feel I need to thank him beyond just words but I don't know how. Shall I get him a gift

Mrs Poppolina pinches her lips deep in thought and then says

Mrs Poppolina

I've got an idea. Let's go and have a chat and see if we can make it happen.


Scene 6

We see Mark come in to change a light bulb. As he changes it and switches the light on we suddenly see the whole musical department perform their song/rap in honour of Mark

Mark Wrap
Mark, Mark,
Mark, Mark,
It's Mark the Janitor, cleaning up the place 
Mopping up the halls, faster than a race,
The unsung hero keeping it tight
Workin' through the day, and even at night.
Mark, Mark, hour after hour,
Scrubbin' all the floors, never losin' his power,
With a broom in his hand and a heart of gold,
Mark the janitor, a hero untold.
Mark, Mark, he's the hero of the hour,
Mark, Mark, Cleaning up our school so we do not cower
Mark, Mark, he's the hero of the hour,
Mark, Mark, Cleaning up our school so we do not cower


Victoria - Ella

Mrs Poppolina - Maeve

Main Hoodie Boy - Mia

Mrs Tallyenconte - Faith

Nerd hoodie - Frank

Singing hoodie - Tana

Hoodie from the Hood - Ethan

Mark - Eddie

Hoodie 5 - Jaxon

Hoodie Technophone - Sabina

step ladder


feather duster

feather duster with ribbon as final gift

light bulb


Junior Drama 2024




















