
SCENE 1: Normal day at Café L'arté.

It’s a normal day at Café L’arté. A café that prides itself on supporting the arts. The Cafe is owned and run by Emily with the help of her employee Robby. They have a section that sells musical instruments, and they also sell books and paintings. Robby arrives late for work, causing tension between her and Emily. Then in through the door walks Joseph, a first time visitor to the cafe. The following happens in real time over the course of approx. an hour.


Sorry I'm late.


Second time this week Robby. You look knackered…

…again! verse

Charity work? verse

Robby looks over, shrugs her shoulders but doesn’t say anything.


I’m sure I’ll find out one day.


I’ve got Jeanette & Tony coming later.


From the charity?


Jeanette’s says she has an announcement to make. I’ll see them in my break? Should only be about 10 minutes!


OK. Could you get some more milk please.

Emily turns to a customer who has walked in during her conversation with Robby.


Morning. What can I get you?


A large latte and a pain au raison please.


Sure! Coming up!


Do you mind if I put one of my cards on your notice board?


Hang on.  verseCan I have a quick look to make sure it's OK.


In case there's anything inappropriate?


You never know, we’ve had some dubious ones in here. You’re not offering ‘private massage sessions’ are you?


I might be! Why who’s asking?

Joseph delivers this with a cheesy grin that would suggest he was expecting a laugh. Emily looks unimpressed. His expressions quickly changes to one of embarrassment.


Whoops!, inappropriate joke and no, nothing to do with massage. Here’s my card.

Joseph hands her his card. She has a close look at the card.


Joseph Cross! Psychic Songwriter & Healer?

Looks up at Joseph


Really? Never heard of one of them before! Do they even exist?


Well there’s one standing right in front of you. I take it by your reaction that you're a non believer.?


I get the songwriting bit.  versePsychic? Nah.

Big nostalgic smile on her face as she stares into the middle distance beyond Joseph.


Writing songs was my big passion.

She holds her nostalgic expression until Joseph interrupts with his question.


Not anymore?


Nah! Long story!

Emily makes a brushing away gesture with her hand suggesting it’s a no go subject.


Anyway, I’ve never even heard of music being used for psychic or healing purposes.


Think about it! Music is a universal language that expresses emotions and feelings far better than mere words can, and there is nothing more effective at releasing damaging pent up emotions than expressing them into your own song.

By this time Robby has brought the milk in and is generally cleaning up but is also listening in on the conversation with great interest. Emily looks thoughtful.


You're absolutely right!

However, regards believing in psychics, I'm a non believer, I’m afraid! Frankly, I think it's a load of old nonsense! Sorry!


No apology needed. We're all free to believe whatever we want. However, do you believe that my business card is appropriate for your board?

Emily laughs.


It’s fine. Can’t say the same for your jokes!

There's some spare pins on the board.

While Joseph pins the business card onto the board, Emily turns to the next customers, a dad and daughter.


Morning! What can I get for you?

Joseph takes his stuff and goes and sits down.


I'll have a flat white with a blueberry muffin, and a mocha with chocolate chip cookie for my daughter please.


Ok. Do you want a medium…

The dad butts in to crack a joke that he’s clearly very proud of.


No thanks we've already got one sat over there!


Oh Dear, Dad Joke!

Emily laughs


Very good sir!, …or do you want a large on the Mocha?


Large Please.

While Emily serves the father and daughter, Joseph is sat at his table, reading a book & starts humming a melody which spur’s a shocked reaction from Emily. The Dad of the girl notices the way she's looking over at Joseph in a near frozen state.


Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, I hope you don't mind me saying so?


No, no, sorry, I just heard something that’s taken me back a bit. I do apologise.


No, not at all.


Robby could you take over please.



Robby rushes to the counter, The dad & daughter go and sit down and Emily walks over to Joseph who's still humming the tune. He looks up to see Emily standing there with a desperate expression and slowly stops humming like Sony walkman running out of battery power.


Da da da da da da da da da da.

Hi, all ok?


That tune you're humming?




How do you know it?

Joseph looks at her name badge


Listen Emily, I know you think this is the stuff of nonsense but I could hear that tune emanating from you from the moment I walked in. Not only the tune but the story behind it. In fact it’s one of the most powerful communications I’ve ever received which is a clear indication of the depth of the emotion behind it. I know it's a story of loss but I'll say no more for now, that is of course unless you want me to.

There's a pause of silence.



Other than me there was only one other person who knew that tune and Yes, it does mean a lot to me and...

Emily is visibly upset, & too upset to talk


I'm so sorry.

Please, sit down.

Emily sits down with Joseph


There's no way you could have known that tune.


Emily, this is the work I do. As the card states, I pick up on people's emotional stories through music. Though I sense that you're not ready to talk about yours.


You're right it's too painful and I still can’t get over how you know it.


I think you're battling an inner resistance to believing, despite evidence to the contrary. You know, we are all a little Psychic, we simply haven't all honed those skills. I know you're not ready but are you willing to take part in a little experiment?


What does that involve?


When I pick up someone's story through song I can actually project what I'm hearing to someone receptive to my thoughts.


Yeah right! No chance of that working with me, I'm still trying to get my head round all of this.


On the contrary I sense that ability in you to be strong and anyway, what have you got to lose. If it fails then you're proven right & I’m wrong, but…

…you never know!


Ok, What would I have to do?


If I pick up a song from any of your customers I'll nod at you. For you to be open to receiving, you need to cast all judgement out of your mind. Let go of it all and let your imagination run wild, set it loose, it's only by doing so that you'll pick up what I'm sending you.

Emily starts getting up off the chair while talking


Joseph, you’re absolutely crazy! And I'm crazy to even think of going along with this!

Sounds like fun though.


Well stand by cause I'm picking up a story already from that father & daughter.

Emily heads back behind the counter



Going back to what I was saying. You're doing it to me too. I get this from the teachers and the kids at school. I'm different! I know I'm different, I think different to most and everyone seems to think they have the answer on how to fix me. I don't need fixing. This is me, I'm being true to myself. I’m not telling you or them how you should be, or how I can fix you!


Look, all I'm saying is that you need to listen once in a while. It's a tough world out there and it helps, sometimes, to compromise your desires and ideas to get on in life.


Dad, I'm no good at being anyone else. I can only be me, and…

Dad interrupts, & quite forcefully


Laura I'm saying these things for your own good. So you want to be an actress but you have to be realistic. Yeah, go ahead and join a drama club, have fun, but study for a proper profession, one that you can rely on to make a living. You know for every successful actor you'll find hundreds who have…

The daughter initially listens then puts her head in her hands. She then signals to her dad to stop by holding her palm towards. Joseph, in the meantime, nods to Emily. The daughter gets up and begins to sing 'what's it to you'.

What’s it to you?

Verse 1
Do you ever wonder, just who makes up the rules
who has decided what you can or cannot do
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Verse 2
Is there a reason, I shouldn't be myself?
I see many people, who follow all the rest
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Won’t you realise
we’re born to be free,
You don’t own,
No you don’t own
any rights to me
let’s agree to differ and be free
Verse 3
I am not like you, that doesn’t mean I’ve failed
I’ve simply decided, to only be myself
And what’s it to you if I don’t do things like you do?
what’s it to you if I’m not playing the same tune
Won’t you realise
we’re born to be free,
You don’t own,
No you don’t own
any rights to me
let’s agree to differ and be free

At the end of this one, Emily gives a thumbs up to Joseph with a big smile indicating that she did indeed pick up the song, while she serves another customer.


Oh, Laura, what am I going to do with you?


Dad, I love you to bits, all I'm asking is that you let me be me, please?


Laura, you’re going to drive me mad, and yet I don't think I'd have you any other way!

Emily goes and speaks to Joseph leaving Robby to serve again.


That was incredible I heard & saw everything, the song, the instruments the backing singers. It's amazing. verse


That’s excellent Emily, that makes me so happy. You know I can do the same for you and your story if you're ready.


No not yet, anyway, I enjoyed that last one so much I want to see more. Could you carry on and we'll see about mine later? verse


Ok, I'm game. I love 'people watching' anyway and everyone has a story or 2 waiting to be heard. As soon as I pick up anything I'll signal to you. Just let me know when you're ready for your own one verse



Café L'Arté Song List

1 What’s it to you Daughter with cast backing

2 Stronger Now Debbie with cast backing

3 Writers block The Writer

4 Robby’s song Robby

5 Don’t say another word Davina with cast backing

6 The Journey Jeannette, Robby, Tony & with cast backing

7 In Your Eyes Karl and Julia with cast backing

8 I Turn to You Julia with cast backing

9 I Believe in You Emily with cast backing

10 Until today Emily

11 Your life is in your hands Robby and all the cast


a very merry christmas


