
Update - Wednesday 22nd May 2024

We have filmed scenes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

We have to do chapters 6 and 7


Update - Monday 13th May 2024

Dialogue added for Jasmine, which also means more lines to learn for John, Sophie, Beverley and revised for Waiter. Click here to be taken to this part

Shoe Dunnit

Chapter 1

We are in a restaurant in Paris and the Milton Keynes boomerang team representing England have just won the world boomerang championships beating even the Australians into second place. Sophie is their superstar but she has a weakness as you're about to find out.

Jane - the manager

Guys I couldn't be more proud of you. You are world champions, you even beat the Australians and they invented boomerang throwing.


And I didn't think we'd stand a chance cause the Latvians started so well.


Until they hit the referee on the head with that boomerang


That was soooo funny


Referee didn't think so


Funny that


Well, really we need to thank Sophie. Without her talent there's no way we would have won.


Agreed, her skill is the best in the world everrrrrrrrrr.


Agreed too, however, I have to give special mention to something about Sophie that's not so good.


Wait, what? What do you mean by that?


Sophie is a world beater in boomerang throwing but she's also a world beater with something else.


That's out of order bringing it up now.


Well I want to know. What is it?


The worlds smelliest feet. Seriously I nearly died when she took her shoe's off the other day.


Guys, sorry it's true. I suffer from bromodosis. I am seeking medical advice at the moment and was told that it's the worst case they've ever come accross.


Oh that stinks. Oops, no pun intended.


Beverly, think before you stink, oops I mean before you speak. Beverly I take it back, I'm as bad as you.


I'm sorry to hear that Sophie. Hope it get's sorted soon.


Me too. I won't dare take my shoes off in public. People have literally fainted in the past. And that's from a distance.


Buon Soir Toute le monde.
It is an honour to have you dine at our restaurant tonight. We have our best Chef Claude cooking for you tonight and I present to you here our brilliant singer Jasmine who will be entertaining you


Hi Everyone


Hold on a minute, that accent sounds very familiar


Well guys, I'm from Milton Keynes, I used to live in Shenley Church end


flippin eck, that's where I live


Wow, what are the chances?


How did you end up here?


I've always wanted to come and live in France, I love their fashion, especially their shoes


So it was the shoe's that dunnit?

Jasmine and everyone laugh


I guess that's right. Please excuse me I'm going to get ready to perform. Bye




Now, are you all ready to order?

We hear everyone say yes.



We zoom in on Sophie who turns to Beverly


Beverly could you do me a favour I need to go to the loo. Could you order for me please?


Of course. 

We see Sophie get up and leave. Beverly says something to Sophie and then laughs. Sophie gives her a funny look


Hope it goes well.

We're back with the waiter who's standing with his notebook writing


Please can I have the 'LES ESCARGOTS AU BEURRE' please (Snails served in the shell with butter, tomatoes and garlic 9)


But of course

Chapter 2

Suddenly we hear a scream coming from the toilets. The girls get up and rush to the toilet. When they get inside they see that there's a locked cubicle.


Sophie are you ok?
Sophie are you in there.

they can hear noise in there but there's no reply so Beverly get's down to the ground and looks under the gap


I can see Sophie she's on the floor. There's a horrible smell. There's someone else in and...

...oh my gosh


What is it?


the person in there is wearing sophies shoes.

With that Beverly passes out.


Someone help Beverly I'm going to break in to the cubicle using this coin.

We watch this from the side as Katelyn goes in. Comes out after a little while she walks out waving the air around her nose because of a stkink


Sorry everyone. Sophie is dead.

Everyone gasps in horror


What about that other person that Beverly saw before she passed out?


There's no sign of anyone else in there

Beverly has come round


But I definetly saw someone else in there

Holly goes into the cubicle to have a look


Guys, Sophie's shoe's are gone, she's wearing some really weird and ugly shoe's now


If that's the case then that means Sophie has been murdered. We need to call France's greatest detective


You don't mean...


Yes I do, the legend that is...

...inspector Shuso

Chapter 3

Holly get's out her phone


Emergency services?
There's been a murder in Restaurant Boom Bang a Bang
I have a special request, please send Inspector Shuso

Holly puts the phone down


I still can't believe it. Sophie was my best friend everrrr


She was the most wonderful person I've ever met


I don't think we can ever win the world boomerang throwing championship ever again without her


Well Holly is our second best thrower so if she practices enough...


Stop right now. Is that all you boys are thinking about? I would rather never win a single competition again but have Sophie here.


Well Tim has a point she's left an incredible legacy


You boys are an absolute disgrace


Do you think she has been murdered by a rival team?


The Russians?


Maybe the Latvians?


More likely the Australians


I hate to say this but I suspect Brianna


What are you talking about


Brianna you hated her. Everyone knows that.


You were very jealous of her


That doesn't mean I'd kill her


Stopppppp guys I think we will soon find out cause inspector Shuso has just arrived

Chapter 4

Inspector Shuso

Good evening everybody


Wow, you made it over here quick

Inspector Shuso

Well, not only am I the greatest detective in tous le Monde
I am also a very fast runner


Well, let's forget everything else, Inspector please we need you to find out who murdered our great friend Sophie

We see the Inspector being lead to the cubicle while they're telling him what happened. We have music starting at this point so we don't hear what they say

Chapter 5

We reconvene and Inpspector Shuso talks

Inspector Shuso (fake)

Everyone, I need your help. We must all split up and go looking for clues. If you find something shout out and we'll come running.

Everyone runs off to look for clues.
We see Holly and Beverley walking and talking


Well think about it, you could always tell that when Sophie got one of those killer boomerang throws...


That Brianna instead of being happy would put on that fake smile but you could tell she resented it.




Chapter 6

Suddenly they hear a scream, they look at each other and then run to where the scream came from which is the disabled toilet.

When they get there they see Levi coming out


It's Brianna, I'm afraid she's dead.

Holly and Beverley walk over to the door. We see their faces like the camera's in the disable toilet and they look shocked and horrified.


Well, bang goes your theory that Brianna was the killer

They hear lots of pots and pans falling and a loud scream coming from the kitchen. They all run there but as they get there they see Finley coming out saying


Guy's I'm really sorry but it's Claude the chef. He's dead.

Suddenly they hear Jasmine the singer. She's singing an operatic piece when suddenly the words turn to "


oh my god it's you, What are you doing with that? Noooooooooooo'

They all run to the room where she was practicing but before they get there they find Jane the manager coming out


Sorry guys, it's best that you don't look. Let's just say, Jasmine will never sing again, at least, not in this life.

Chapter 7

Suddenly inspector Shuso arrives

Inspector Shuso (Fake)

What has happened


Well inspector, first...


Hold on a minute

John has spotted something sticking out of the inspectors pocket and pulls it out only to find it's Sophie's shoe. Everyone looks shocked


Guys, I think we've found our killer.

Inspector Shuso tries to run but John grabs him helped by Tim


So it was you all along?

Inspector Shuso (fake)

I'm saying nothing

Inspector Shuso (real)

There's a reason why he's saying nothing

Everyone does a double take. While John and Tim are holding one Inspector Shuso another one has just walked in


What the heck?


Why have we got two inpector Shuso's?

Inspector Shuso (real)

The person you're holding is an imposter. I came as fast as I could but I was in another town. I started looking into the case in the back of the taxi on the way here. Using my very unique investigation technique, and I have uncovered a few things.

The fake me is from the australian boomerang team. Your colleague Sophie, now deceased, had the worlds worst case of smelly feet ever recorded. So potent that if you put her shoe over someone's nose and mouth, they will die. That is exactly what he did.  


Well how do we know that you're real and not a fake

Inspector Shuso (real)

Take of the imposters hat and you'll see.

They do exactly that and see that his moustache is fake unlike the real inspector


But why, why did he kill her that's what I want to know?

Inspector Shuso (real)

That I don't know. You'll have to ask him


I think it was jelousy

Inspector Shuso (fake)

No it wasn't. In fact totally the contrary. I admired Sophie so much. Too much. To the point that I wanted to be her. But the only way I could be her was to walk in her shoes.


So you killed her to wear her shoes?

Inspector Shuso (fake)

Well so I could take her place, but to achieve that I first had to take the place of Inspector Shuso to achieve my goal

Inspector Shuso (real)

But it started to go wrong didn't if fake inspector?


But why did you kill the others?

Inspector Shuso (real)

Because he kept getting found out once they spotted Sophie's shoe in his pocket


And everytime they found out he killed them using the shoe

Inspector Shuso (real)

Precisely, so that he wouldn't get found out. But he's found out now

Inspector Shuso (fake)

So now you know however...

Suddenly the fake inspector breaks free and says

Inspector Shuso (fake)

I am the the Australian sprint champion you cannot catch me

With that he runs off outside laughing with everyone following but he's too fast so they give up. 

Inspector Shuso (real)

Guys don't panic

He picks up Sophies shoe while holding his nose.

Inspector Shuso (real)

Holly I found out that you're the second best boomerang thrower after Sophie. You know what to do.

Sophie takes the shoe while holding her nose with the other hand. She takes aim and throws. But misses.


Oh no, sorry everyone. I failed. Now we'll never catch him.


Oh yes we will, we have my other shoe remember

Suddenly Sophie is standing there and everyone says


What the heckkkkkkkk?

Sophie takes aim and throws the shoe. We watch it's trajectory and we will alternate between seeing the fake inspectors run and the following conversation.


How are you alive


Guys, my smelly shoes knocked me out, however after years of adapting I'm immune to my own poison 


You know what. I don't care if we catch him or not. We have you back so I'm happy.


Ehm, there's a small matter of her murdering Brianna


and the cook and the singer


In that case we do need revenge

We see the shoe curve round, and come back right on his face and knocks the fake inspector to the ground. Everyone jumps up cheering throwing Sophie up in the air






year 28 Feb 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 Mar 27 Mar
17 April 24 April 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May
Daniel real inspector waiter 5 yes yes yes yes   Yes No Yes Yes    
Sandra not acting - 5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Isaac Levi   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes No Yes    
TJ Finley -   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Julia Jasmine singer   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Rebecca Jane manager   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Bella Levi/Brianna we have one female character more than cast, will need to sort   6 yes yes yes yes   - Yes Yes No    
Emily Katelyn   6 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Bartek Tim   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes No    
Ryan John   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Ava Holly   5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Brynn Beverly Holly 5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Sophie Sophie Holly  5 yes yes yes yes   Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Thomas fake inspector   5 yes yes yes yes   yes Yes Yes Yes    




Jane - the manager - Rebecca

Sophie - Sophie

Brianna - Bella

Brianna - Bella

John - Ryan

Holly - Ava

Beverly -  Brynn

Katelyn - Emily

Waiter - Bartek

Finley - TJ

Fake Inspector Shuso - Thomas (Rival from the Australian team)

Real Inspector Shuso - Daniel

Sophie - Sophie

Jasmine the singer - Julia


12 who want to act


1 Inspector Shoeso

2 Waiter - champagne bottle

3 Sophie

4 dead boomeranger 1

5 dead boomeranger 2

6 dead boomeranger 3

7 Live Boomeranger

8 Chef

9 Mute boomeranger - is writing the note when they are killed

10 Entertainer - microphone weapon

11 Police



Magnifying glass
Make up


Ava, brynn, sophie 8

9 girls in a hotel, in Paris. They are part of world champion boomerang throwing champions.
Girls were in a hotel. Girl dead in the bathroom.
Having dinner, 2 girls go into the toilet. girl comes out of the cubicle and screams because the girl looking in the mirror kills her.
she's killed her cause she she admires her and wants to take her place.
We keep seeing a close up of the killers shoes.
The killer is sussed when a girl notices who is wearing the first victims shoe. She explains why she did what
the only way is to be like her is to kill her and see what it's like to live in her shoes


9 girls in hotel in paris. one night they go down to dinner. 1 went to the toilet, she screamed and her friends. run in, cubicle is locked but they see a very distinctive shoe. They open the door But the killer then disappears.

They all go looking for the killer

(Inspector Shoesoe, he is the killer.)

Everytime someone susses out the killer, they get killed.

eventually someone finds the shoe in the inspectors coat pocket together with the belt that he's been strangling people with.

when he's with the others the shoe falls out of his pocket, he bends down to get these but the belt falls down and the others suss out that's what he's been using to strangle them.
he's wearing sponge bob square pants boxer shorts
"get him

He get's up and declares he's the paris sprint chanpion and they'll never catch him.


"he is fast, we don't stand a chance" "hold on, we're the boomerang champions"

The killer runs really fast but someone throws the shoe and knocks him out. they tie them to the chair and when he comes round he explains everything.


very complete


We need mystery, maybe we don't find out who the killer is until the end.


Someone puts on a shoe and dies as a result of poison.
She put on the shoes belonging to someone else because she liked them and wanted them. It turns out someone wanted to kill the owner, so ended up killing the wrong person.
who wanted the owner dead?
The call a detective to find out who the killer is on.

quite complete


daniel sandra

sean is waiting for a friend.
dead person with a shoe next to the body
Sean call a detective named frank. thinks he bob was trying to takes his shoe off, whaked himself.

sean is waiting for a friend outside the hotel. Then someone runs out of the hotel screaming someone has been killed. They call a detective named Frank. Frank susses out that the dead person died trying to take the shoe off and bumped his head.

needs filling out


a girl called mystique, willow was waiting for mysty

misty was clumbsy, late to everything, her friends name is willow, willow was waiting for misty, an hour or two goes past, 
Giorgio & andrea the detective was called when .

1 andrea get's back very panicked. misty has been found dead

2 andrea get's back in the room. Misty is uncoscious, giorgio looks surprised. 
after many questions they find out who the killers is.

an actor or the serial kikker is the killer.

needs filling out

Julia tj 4

Megan put her shoes on the window sill, next day they were gone. She called Frank the detective. He discovered a pair of shoes that weren't megans at the point place the shoe were stolen.
He tracks down the gang and megan, who happens to be the guiness world welly throwning champion, throws the shoes, knocks them all out and takes their shoes.

Short but complete


a bunch of firend go to gymnastics club and they have to take off their shoes. Someone steels their shoes. then they find clues to find their shoes.
Shoe clue 1, shoe clue 2,
inspector shoe so

is very good needs a little more work


High heel shoes
eye liner pencil

fake moustache

• inspector hat x 2

• inspector coat x 2

• Microphone - Julia

• boomerang - daniel

• tray for the waiter

• apron - brynn

• Make up for thomas

• Plates - rebecca

• cutlery - rebecca

• waiter notebook


restaurant - classroom

ladies toilet - the one in year 5/6 cloackroom

doorway for when chef dies

doorway for when singer dies




has acted - in a show for pa club. But never been filmed.
Likes singing a lot, writes her own tunes,
plays the violin


His dad wants him to be in a film

worked on youtube films.


wants to see how a film is made.

plays drums, clarinet and violin


wants to act. In a play at school

Likes lego movies


wants to be on camera

used to be a youtuber


wants to be in front of camera.

likes to sing. 

Plays drums


inspired after watching previous years films

acted in school plays

plays keboards


wants to act on camera


wants to experience film making with his friends.


came because of his friends


has acted in school plays


she wants to act

acted in a production for the church


plays clarinet



wants to act


Giffard Park 2024




















