
Great Linford School film project

You're not alone

Scene 1

We are in a class when the teachers asks a maths question


Hands up who can tell me what 15 divided by two is?

Everyone puts their hand up except for Casey


Casey, seeing as you're the only one who didn't put their hand up, you can give me the answer


But I don't know sir


I need an answer, and I need it right now



Everyone laughs


I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Everyone laughs again



They laugh again again


Ginny, you have your hand up




Well done Ginny. Spot on.

Right everybody, I have a question that will occupy the rest of the class
add up all the numbers between 1 and 100, for example, 1 +2 + 3 + so on and so forth.

We see students start to write on paper to workout the sum but we see  the class genius Timothy write down on a piece of card and starts passing the card around the students. We film this happening until it reaches Casey/ Toby.

When Toby/ Casey looks down at the piece of card, their facial expression looked devastated. 
the reason Casey is so upset is that on the card is writen 'How low can your IQ go?'

Camera zooms in on the face of the Clair the LSA who notices that something bad must have been written on the piece of card and she Clair the LSA approtches Casey


Sir I've worked it out


Oh yes Timothy. Surely you can't possibly have worked it out already. That's a lot of numbers to calculate 


Well sir, I just worked out a very quick way.
You see I realised that 1 + 100 is 101, 2 + 99 is 101, so I just multiplied 101 by 50 and got my answer


Which is what


5,050 of course


That is genius Timothy. Well done

The Clair the LSA notices what Timothy had written on that piece of paper and speaks up

Clair the LSA

Well done Timothy, however what you've written on this piece of card I'm not very happy with


Clair, please, Timothy has just demonstrated one of the greatest mathematical responses. Not only did he come up with the answer in an absurdly small amount of time he also showed how he'd worked it out.

Right I now think we should try some trigonometry...

The teachers voice fades and we zoom in on Casey and the LSA

Clair the LSA

Are you ok Casey

Casey Nods his head

Clair the LSA

But you're not though are you?

Casey shakes his head

Clair the LSA turns to the teacher and asks

Clair the LSA

Can I take Casey out for a moment?"



Casey and the Clair the LSA leave the room


Scene 2

Clair the LSA

Casey, I saw what happened in there. How do you feel?


Pretty devasted

Clair the LSA

How would you feel if I told you that I can help you turn that around and even become top of the class?


So happy and yet at the same time I'd think you're unfairly getting my hopes up as I'm not intelligent enough.

Clair the LSA

A few years ago I was in exactly the same position as you. I was being ridiculed.
Someone took me to the side like I'm doing with you now and they showed me a secret learning technique where everything I read I retained.
I went from being bottom of the class to being the brightest.
They made me promise not to reveal the technique until I found someone who needed it badly.Well, I've found you.
Do you want to learn the technicque


Oh please

Clair the LSA

Do you promise to keep it secret until someone really needs it?


I swear I will

Clair the LSA

Ok, then here goes.
You musn't laugh at this as it works.
You need to stand like this

Clair the LSA stands in a really comical position

Clair the LSA

When you do, everything you read you will remember even years later, even the most complex mathematical equasions.



Clair the LSA

I know, that's one of the reasons you have to keep it secret. You don't want people like Timothy seeing you do it. Can you imagine?


Miss, we have the big intelligence competition tomorrow, which I definetly wouldn't have even considered entering, but do you think it will work in time for that.

Clair the LSA stands there thinking

Clair the LSA

To do that you would have to have one thing with lot's of info all in the one place to learn from. And the only thing I can think of is the headmasters iPad that he keeps in his office.


What if I take that?

Clair the LSA

That would be wrong of me to go along with that Casey.


I'd bring it straight back first thing in the morning.

Clair the LSA

Even so, that would have nothing to do with me.


I understand

Suddenly the headmaster walks past


Here he comes now heading to his office.

Clair, despite what she'd said, seems to act on instict

Clair the LSA

Mr Pilkington can I have a quick word

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster


Clair the LSA

Who do you think are the main contenders to win the intelligence competition tomorrow?

Casey rushes off and takes the opportunity to go into the headmasters office while he is distracted. We see him go in and find the iPad. We splice from scene to scene while this happens.

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Well there are a few contenders but the most likely will be Timothy. He has impressed so many times. I've been told he has solved some very complex challenges.
Why do you ask?

Clair the LSA

I'm just really excited to see who will come away with this prestigeous award this year.

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Fair enough

We see Casey go to leave but knocks some papers over and the headmaster turns to walk into the room. We're heading for disaster as Casey is about to be found out. What can Clair do to save the situation?

Clair the LSA

Mr Pilkington, careful your laces are undone

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Oh silly me.

He crouches down to do his laces and Casey manages to escape

Scene 3

We join Casey at home. They have the iPad on a stand and they are in the weird learning position. Casey's sister Melanie comes in and finds him in position.


What the heck?

Casey quickly comes out of the position in embarrasment.




The word Weird derives from the Old English noun wyrd, essentially meaning "fate." By the 8th century, the plural wyrde had begun to appear in texts as a gloss for Parcae, the Latin name for the Fates—three goddesses who spun, measured, and cut the thread of life. 


What the double heck?
Is your brain connected to the internet?
I'm out of here

Casey get's back in the position

Scene 4

We start in the staff room with the headmaster and his assistant. The headmaster is looking for his glasses.

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Julie have you seen my glasses? 

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher

No I haven't

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

I've been looking for ages. You don't think someone may have taken them by mistake to you?

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher

I could look back on the CCTV just in case

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Good idea. Could you do that please?

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher


Julie checks on her laptop and suddenly says

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher

That's strange, I haven't solved the mysters of the glasses but I've caught Casey bringing your iPad back into the room very early this morning

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

What? Let me have a look

He has a good look and declares

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

That's strange, she's not stealing it, she's bringing it back

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher

Why would she do that. It's topsy turvey, if she wanted to cheat on the intelligence test she'd have taken it, not brought it back

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Even if she did that, there's nothing on the iPad that has anything to do with the test, so if she took it for that reason that wouldn't help her at all.

Julie - Assistant Head Teacher

So why?

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

I don't know but I'm going to find out

He storms out of the class to look for Casey


Scene 5

and then suddenly sees him

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Casey, I want a word with you, come here.


I can't Sir, I'm in a hurry

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

You better come here right now

Casey runs. We have a chase on our hands. All round the school until Casey runs into the room where they are announcing the winner of the intelligence test.

Scene 6

As they run in we hear the accouncer

Paul - The person announcing the award

And the person who's won the intelligence test 2024 is....

He get's a drum roll going and all the students join in except Timothy who has a look on his face that of course he will be the winner, so he starts straightening up his collar etc.

Paul - The person announcing the award

Casey Wilkinson

We hear chears and we close up on Timothy's shocked face, we then zoom in on Mr Pilkington's shocked face, all while applause are going on.

Paul - The person announcing the award

We will now ask Mr Pilkington to give the award. Mr Pilkington could you please come up.

Mr Pilkington shakes Casey's hand

Mr Pilkington the Headmaster

Well done Casey, I'm very proud of what you've achieved.


Thank you Sir. As I've never won this before can I ask what the prize is

Mr Pilkington looks into a case and pulls out...

...an iPad and hands it to Casey who waves it up in the air to chears from most people. Timothy doesn't look happy. We zoom in on Clair the LSA who winks and has a big smile


Props & Locations

Classroom scene in the class we're in
Hallway, for LSA & Casey conversation


Lounge for headteachers office


Chase scenes, many different locations


Awards in hall


Teacher - Vlad
Julie - Assistant Head Teacher - Caitlin
Casey -  Amaya
Ginny -  Jabir/Chloe
Timothy - Mathew
Clair the LSA - Sophie
Mr Pilkington the Headmaster - Aashman
Melanie - Casey's sister - Caitlin
Paul - The person announcing the award - Chloe

Lead Toby/Casey

Person who teaches Toby/Casey how to learn


The Bully's  

The teacher who mocks  Toby/Casey

The person giving the award

Possibly a sibling of  Toby/Casey

LSA Learning Support Assistant


We start in a class, the teacher asks a question and aims it at Toby/Casey "what is 15 divided by 2?"
"errrrrr, is it 13?"
"Toby, did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?

The class all laugh and Toby makes out that he's laughing with them, but as he's laughing a bully writes a note and it gets passed around the class. Toby see's it coming it round and prepares to laugh once he receives it. We see the LSA taking note of everything as it happens. When Toby get's the note he sees that the note say's "Toby is such a failure'. Toby is so upset. we focus on the reaction on his face. He feels a tap on his shoulder, looks up and it's the LSA.
"Toby can I have a word outside"
At this point we created dialogue as an improv.


1. The kind cool girl 4 3
Amaya & Sophie, Chloe bullying story. 

2. Mathew & Vlad, Killer clown

3. Dance off 3
Mollie & Sofia, 

4. Smart Revenge. Boy with stolen iPad. 4 7
Ashman & Reben. 

5. the hero girl with special powers. Peculiar powers. 1

You’re not alone 

Verse 1
You, you tell me what you’re going thru
I know how you feel, I’m there too,
every day, they hurt me in the same way
Though I try, I feel that I’m far too shy,
but it doesn’t give them (all) the right
to hurt me, & yet somehow they feel free
every night, I’m fighting away the tears,
yet if you ask I’ll say I’m ok,
cause I don’t know what to do,
should I reveal what they put me thru
You’re not alone, just like you I’m hurting too
Verse 2
Do you find, that terrible thoughts haunt your mind?
Those words that were said so unkind, they replay,
in a loop throughout the day,
I’ve betrayed, the person that I was to be
it’s a prisoner that yearns to be free,
Without a key, behind bars that shadow me?
every night, I’m fighting away the tears,
yet if you ask I’ll say I’m ok,
cause I don’t know what to do,
should I reveal what they put me thru
You’re not alone, just like you I’m hurting too
every night, I’m fighting away the tears,
yet if you ask I’ll say I’m ok,
cause I don’t know what to do,
should I reveal what they put me thru
No I don’t know what to do,
should I reveal what they put me thru
You’re not alone, just like you I’m hurting too


No idea - actually - likes films

no acting

no music

love writing


Likes films

acted in play at the old school

plays drums



Likes watching films

likes harry potter


Likes harry potter

plays Piano


has written

has acted

give it a try


has acted

has written

plays flute and sings.
goes to rockSteady in the class



wants to make movies

love super malrios

acted at her old school



acted in old school

plays guitar, piano.



interested in making films

plays guitar


likes adventure films

writes - did filmmaking in year. 5



has done acting




not acted

has written - 




We are in a class when the teachers asks a maths question

"Hands up who can tell me what 15 divided by two is"

Everyone puts their hand up except for Toby/Casey

Teachers says "Toby/Casey, seeing as you're the only one who didn't put their hand up, you can give me the answer"
"but I don't know sir"
"I need an answer, and I need it right now"


Everyone laughs

"I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"

Everyone laughs again


They laugh again again

"Right everybody, I have a question that will occupy the rest of the class"
"add up all the numbers between 1 and 100, for example, 1 +2 + 3 + so on and so forth.

The bully writes down on a piece of card and starts passing around the students until it reaches Toby/ Casey.

When Toby/ Casey looks down at the piece of card, their facial expression looked devastated. 

Camera zooms in on the face of the LSA


the reason toby is so upset is that on the card is writen 'How low can your IQ go?'

The LSA approtches Toby and asks "are you ok?"

Toby nods but the LSA says "But your not though are you?"

She turns to the teacher and asks "Can I take Toby out for a moment?" 

Teacher says "yes"

Toby and the LSA leaves the room


When the maths genius of the class explains the really easy method, the LSA notices the card near Toby

3.15pm till 5.15pm

year form Mon 22 Jan Mon 29 Jan 24 Mon 5 Feb 2024 Mon 12 Feb 2024 Mon 26 Feb 2024 Mon 4 March 2024 Mon 11 March 2024 Mon 18 March 2024 Mon 25 March Mon 15 April 2024 Mon 22 April 2024 Mon 29 April 2024 Mon 6 May 2024


S2 S3
filmed S1      
Mathew 5 Elm yes yes yes - Inset
yes yes Yes No Yes Yes    
Vlad 5 Elm yes no yes yes   yes yes Yes Yes Yes No    
Caitlin 3 Oak yes yes yes yes   yes yes Yes No Yes Yes    
Helena 3 Chestnut yes yes yes yes   yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Chloe 6 Ash yes yes yes yes   yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Sophie 5 Sycamore yes yes yes       yes Yes Yes   Yes    
Amaya 5 Sycamore yes yes yes yes   yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Aashman 6 Ash yes yes yes yes   yes yes Yes Yes   Yes    
Reuben 4 Willow yes yes yes yes   - yes Yes Yes   No    
Sofia 6 Yew yes no yes yes   - no longer coming            
Mollie 6 Yew yes yes yes yes   - no longer coming            
Jabir 4 Lime No Yes yes yes   yes yes No          




song & Lyrics











Great Linford Primary













