

Whitehouse School
Autumn 2024

Linderella & the Shoe

Scene 1 - the most wonderful gift

We have Linderella and her friends walk on stage chatting about the upcoming ball and how they wish they could go. Maybe the sing a song


Guys, so wish we could go to the Ball at the King's Palace tonight. 


I've heard how incredible it is. Everyone dressed up incredible clothes, orchestra playing music, dancing and there is the Prince who it is said is the most handsome in all of the world

Cat Arina



Guys stop it. You are getting your hopes up for something that can never happen. We are poor and can't even afford a posh scarf let alone a whole outfit.

They sing a song at this point

Suddenly we see a man walk in wearing a suit who is clearly wealthy

Philip Anthropist

Hello everyone. My name is Phil. I've made a lot of money in my business. I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying. I would like to make your dream come true. I will lend you all the clothes you need for the night of the ball for nothing. However, you need to return them all before midnight tonight. Have we got a deal?

Of course the girls are ecstatic and cheer up and down and then all high five Philip

All the girls at the same time

I can't believe that we're going to the ball

Scene 2 - the morning after

It's the morning after


That was the most incredible night of my life


For me too. I am so grateful to Philip for. his kindness. Linderella, you especially must have loved it.

She notices that Linderella is looking sad


Linderella, what's wrong?


I had the most amazing time, however. Someone took one of my Shoe's. It's only a matter of time before Philip notices and...

Just then Philip storms in

Philip Anthropist

So, this is how you repay me. By stealing one of the shoe's I lent you?


Please Phil. I don't know. how it happened. I tripped up while dancing and when I went to get the shoe, it was gone.

Philip Anthropist

Do you think I'm an idiot. All the people at the ball are rich and have no need for the shoe, so I suggest that one of you has stolen it. I will be back

Phil storms off the stage


Oh no. What is he going to do?


I don't know


I'm so stressed


Let's de stress with a song

They sing Shoe Dunnit

Scene 3 - the investigation

Suddenly in walks 3 policemen together with Phil

Philip Anthropist

I am going to leave this investigation in the hands of Inspector Shoeso and his men

Inspector Shoeso

Well everyone. I have with me Inspector Pinocchio who is an expert Lie detector and I have Inspector Doolittle who can translate animals. 
Right, everyone line up while. we ask you questions
Inspector Pinocchio, can you start please

Inspector Pinocchio goes up to Amnese, Giselle and Linderella and asks them all in turn if they stole the shoe. From their responses he declares

Inspector Pinocchio

The are all innocent

Inspector Shoeso

Inspector Doolittle help me with questioning the cat please.

He turns to the cat

Inspector Shoeso

Did you steel the Shoe

Inspector Doolittle

(cat noises)

Cat Arina

(Cat noises)

Inspector Doolittle

(cat noises)

Turns to Inspector Shoeso 

Inspector Doolittle

She says it wasn't her she was on the roof at the time with the royal cats

Inspector Shoeso

Ask her what the name of the royal cat is?

Inspector Doolittle

(more cat noises)

Cat Arina

(Cat noises and shrugs)

Inspector Doolittle

She said, how is she supposed to know

Inspector Shoeso

Well that is proof that it was her all along. Cat, you have been sentenced to death for the theft of Phil Anthropists Shoe. Men, take her away

The cat is going mad and Linderella and co are protesting when suddenly the Prince and his men walk in holding a shoe in his hand

Scene 4 - Prince Calming arrives

Everyone bows in the prescence of royalty

Prince Calming

I have here the shoe of the woman who will become the princess

Everyone is gasping except for Phil Anthropist

Phil Anthropist

But your majesty, that is my Shoe that I lent to these people

Prince Calming

Fear not for I will pay you ten times it's value

Phil rubs his hands together, he's a happy man now.

The prince goes up to Linderella and hands her the shoe

Prince Calming

Please try this on

It is a perfect fit. The prince neals down at the feet of Linderella

Prince Calming

You are ther future queen of the kingdom of Marladawn

Everyone cheers

Prince Calming

Come Linderella for we must go and announce to the kingdom

Scene 5 - The goodbye


Hold on. There is one thing I must do before I leave my friends

Prince Calming

What's that?


I have to let them know what I think about them

Prince Calming


They all sing 'One Last Time' with Linderella on lead

35 One Last Time -3

Version of the song below sung by Emily & Elisa

Piano only version of the song

One last time (Lead vocals  backing vocals)

Verse 1

We have had some good times 
We have made great memories 
It is hard to define
All the feelings I'll take with me 
But I know they'll be strong 
they will go on and on 
I’m asking you now 
Will you join with me


To sing my
It’s my
I need to tell you what I feel inside
this heart
this heart 
It won't be easy singing one last time
one last… 
In front of these people
that I’ve come to love
come to… 
I’m taking the steps to walk out through that door
One last time

Verse 2

though I tried and I tried
I felt I had failed in life
Couldn’t understand why
Everything that I touched broke down
So I’m letting you know
You have now changed my world
I still have to go
join me one last time


To sing my
It’s my
I need to tell you what I feel inside
this heart
this heart 
It won't be easy singing one last time
one last… 
In front of these people
that I’ve come to love
come to… 
I’m taking the steps to walk out through that door
One last time


I feel a love once lost to anger is now free

But I have to leave, perhaps this love of ours was not to be?

Will you join me... 


To sing my
It’s my
I need to tell you what I feel inside
this heart
this heart 
It won't be easy singing one last time
one last… 
In front of these people
that I’ve come to love
come to… 
I’m taking the steps to signing my
It’s my
I need to tell you what I feel inside
this heart
this heart 
It won't be easy singing one last time
one last… 
In front of these people
that I’ve come to love
come to… 
I’m taking the steps to walk out through that door
One last time


Linderella - Prisha
Giselle - Nitika
Amnese - Catherine
Prince Calming - Rohan
Cat Arina - Areen
Inspector Doolittle The cat translator - Krutik
Philip Anthropist The Rich Person (who pays for them to get dressed to go to the ball) - Reyansh Raju
Inspector ShoeSo - Soham
Constable Pinocchio - Adhya
Princes' Guards - Elijah - Reyansh Pradhan


Cinderella like story
Some poor children from a village get an opportunity of a lifetime to go to the Palace ball when a rich person decides to give them all the clothes to wear so they look smart.
However, when they get back one of the girls hasn't got one of her shoes. She's convinced it got stolen. The rich person is very unhappy that one of their bits is missing so calls the police. An investigation starts.
They sing Shoe Dunnit.
One day, the prince and his guards turn up and ask to be taken into the house. He states that he is going to marry the wearer of this shoe. He stole it so that he could track down the person who is to be queen. The owner of the shoe say "that was my shoe and I want it back" the prince says "fear not for I'll give you enough money to be a thousand of these shoes"
Cinderella is overjoyed. The prince says, "we must go" She says "there's one thing I must do before I leave"

She sings 'One last time'

Cinderella has a pet. Unfortunately he is accused of stealing the shoe.


There is a successful show in a town, but then another show starts in another theatre in the town and is so good that everyone starts going to the other one. 
Saddened the first theatre company arrange a last show before closing and at first no one seems to be turning up
Aryha (sabotage as they paid people to go and see the show)
Catherine (they've sabotaged the lead actor to sleep and not wake up
Prisha (sabotage on the technical)
Adhya (

Two people were the best of friends and the parents of one of them are having to move to another country for their work.
The friends are very sad.
Needs to be group of friends
Suggestion that they say goodbye in the school 

Person going thru life. We see them getting old. They learn more and more as they get older. Then they die.




Linderella - Prisha
Giselle - Nitika
Amnese - Catherine
Prince Calming - Rohan
Cat Arina - Areen
Inspector Doolittle The cat translator - Krutik
Philip Anthropist The Rich Person (who pays for them to get dressed to go to the ball) - Reyansh Raju
Inspector ShoeSo - Soham
Constable Pinocchio - Adhya
Princes' Guards - Elijah - Reyansh Pradhan

Shoe Dunnit

Shoe dunnit
Went to the ball
after one big fall
Somebody came and stole her prescious shoe


Shoe Dunnit

One Last Time

I wish


Ceri Camwell

Susannah Phillips







year 24 Sep 1 oct 8 oct 15 oct 22 oct* 5 Nov 12 Nov 19 Nov 26 Nov 3 Dec
1 Reyaj has acted on stage, 
no singing
Has written
waiter 5                    
2 Arya not acted
not sung
has written stories
- 5                    
3 Rohan has acted
not singing
has written
4 Reyansh Raju acted x 2 in shcool and out
has sung

5 Alija has acted in a club

6 Areen has acted
7 Soham acted
8 Katherine sings
and writes
9 Nitika year 2, danced,
Sings, says not confident.
10 Adhya acted once
11 Evelyn  danced on stage, has sung at the summer fair,                         
12 Prisha danced on stage.                        
13 Amber not acted, sung, or written                        
14 Krutik sings, acts,    5                    

*might be parents evening 


Whitehouse Autumn 2024




















